   The Commission shall consist of not less than five, nor more than seven, members who shall be appointed by the Mayor, with the advice and consent of a full majority of the full City Council.
(Prior Code, § 12-2-2) (Ord. 505, passed 8-16-1989)
   (A)   Initial appointments of the Commission shall be made as follows: Four one-year terms; and three two-year terms.
   (B)   All subsequent appointments shall be made for two years.
   (C)   Any Commission member may be reappointed to serve additional terms.
(Prior Code, § 12-2-3) (Ord. 505, passed 8-16-1989)
   (A)   Residency. All Commission members shall be residents of the city or its impact area.
   (B)   Ineligibility. Commission members shall not include any employees of the city, the Mayor, or members of the City Council.
   (C)   Qualifications. All members of the Commission shall have a demonstrated interest, competence, or knowledge in history or historic preservation. The City Council shall endeavor to appoint at least two members with professional training or experience in the disciplines of architecture, history, architectural history, urban planning, archaeology, engineering, law, or other historic preservation-related disciplines, to the extent that such expertise is available in the community.
(Prior Code, § 12-2-4) (Ord. 492-A, passed 7-14-1998)
§ 155.024 OFFICERS.
   (A)   Election. The Commission shall elect a Chair and Vice-Chair from the Commission’s members.
   (B)   Term. The Chair and Vice-Chair shall serve a term of one year from the meeting at which they are elected and until their successors are duly elected.
   (C)   Voting; quorum. Neither the Chair nor Vice-Chair shall be disqualified from voting or disqualified from being counted toward a quorum.
   (D)   Powers and duties.
      (1)   Chair. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Commission, authorize calls for any special meetings, appoint all committees, execute all documents authorized by the Commission, and generally perform all duties associated with that office.
      (2)   Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair, in the event of absence or disability of the Chair, or a vacancy in that office, shall assume and perform the duties and functions of the Chair.
(Prior Code, § 12-2-5) (Ord. 492, passed 7-14-1987)
   In addition to the powers and duties described elsewhere in this chapter, the Commission shall have the following powers and duties:
   (A)   Conduct, or cause to be conducted, a comprehensive survey of properties of historic significance within the boundaries of the city. Publicize and periodically update survey results;
   (B)   Maintain a local register of historic districts within the city;
   (C)   Review and comment upon the conduct of land use, housing, and redevelopment, municipal improvement, and other types of planning and programs undertaken by any agency of the city, county, or state, as they relate to the cultural or historic resources of the city;
   (D)   Recommend to the City Council the purchase of fee or less-than-fee interests in property for purposes of historic preservation;
   (E)   Investigate and report to the City Council on the use of various federal, state, local, or private funding sources and mechanisms available to promote cultural resources and historic preservation in the city;
   (F)   Preserve, restore, maintain, and operate cultural or historic properties under the ownership of the city or control of the Commission subject to approval of expenditures by the City Council;
   (G)   Approve or disapprove, in whole or in part, applications for certificates of appropriateness, pursuant to this chapter;
   (H)   Review all applications for permits, environmental assessments, environmental impact reports, environmental impact statements, and other similar documents and instruments as set forth in this chapter, pertaining to cultural resources, historic preservation, or related neighboring properties within public view. The City Council shall forward all such documents to the Commission for review and comment. The Commission shall forward its comments to the City Council;
   (I)   Subject to prior approval of the City Council, hire staff, retain consultants, and conduct studies, as the Commission deems desirable or necessary;
   (J)   Subject to prior approval of the City Council, contract with the county, state, or federal government, or any agency or subdivision of said government, or with any other organization;
   (K)   Cooperate with local, county, state, and federal governments in the pursuit and the objectives of historic preservation;
   (L)   Keep minutes and records of all meetings and proceedings, including voting records, attendance, resolutions, findings, determinations, and decisions. All such material shall be public record;
   (M)   Render advice and guidance, upon the request of the property owner or occupant, on the restoration, alteration, decoration, landscaping, or maintenance of any property located within a historic district, or other property located within the city;
   (N)   Participate in, promote, and conduct public information, educational, and interpretive programs pertaining to historic preservation and historic districts; and
   (O)   Perform any other functions that may be designated by resolution or ordinance of the City Council.
(Prior Code, § 12-2-6) (Ord. 492, passed 7-14-1987)