§ 155.024 OFFICERS.
   (A)   Election. The Commission shall elect a Chair and Vice-Chair from the Commission’s members.
   (B)   Term. The Chair and Vice-Chair shall serve a term of one year from the meeting at which they are elected and until their successors are duly elected.
   (C)   Voting; quorum. Neither the Chair nor Vice-Chair shall be disqualified from voting or disqualified from being counted toward a quorum.
   (D)   Powers and duties.
      (1)   Chair. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Commission, authorize calls for any special meetings, appoint all committees, execute all documents authorized by the Commission, and generally perform all duties associated with that office.
      (2)   Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair, in the event of absence or disability of the Chair, or a vacancy in that office, shall assume and perform the duties and functions of the Chair.
(Prior Code, § 12-2-5) (Ord. 492, passed 7-14-1987)