Use regulations.
Lot requirements.
Setback requirements.
Height requirements.
Floor area requirements.
Projections into required setbacks.
Accessory uses and structures.
Design criteria for one family dwellings.
Supplemental regulations for specific uses.
Plan review.
Single-Family Residence Districts (R-3 and R-10) and their regulations are established in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
(a) To preserve and protect the scenic beauty, the ecology and rural character of the Village for the benefit of its citizens and those of surrounding communities by essentially restricting development to low density housing.
(b) To regulate the bulk and location of dwellings, accessory buildings, and other structures on each lot;
(c) To protect the desirable characteristics and promote the stability of existing residential development;
(d) To promote the most desirable and beneficial use of the land in accordance with the objectives and goals of the Village of Waite Hill;
(e) To protect and preserve the value, appearance and use of property through the preservation of historic character consistent with the development of the Village;
(f) To protect and provide adequate open spaces and to insure adequate ground areas from which to obtain adequate water supply and for the safe and healthful disposal of waste; and,
(g) To maintain a living unit density consistent with Village tradition.
(Ord. 2011-14. Passed 4-9-12.)
(a) Uses Permitted By Right. A use listed in Schedule 1141.03 shall be permitted by right as a principal use in a district when denoted by the letter "P" provided that all requirements of other Village ordinances and this Zoning Code have been met;
(b) Accessory Uses. An accessory use that is clearly incidental and subordinate to a use listed in Schedule 1141.03, when denoted by the letter "A," shall be permitted provided that the requirements of all other Village ordinances and this Zoning Code have been met.
(c) Compliance with Standards. Although a use may be indicated as a permitted principal or accessory use in a particular district, it shall not be approved on a lot unless it can be located thereon in full compliance with all of the standards and other regulations of this Code applicable to the specific use and lot in question.
(d) Use Not Listed in Schedule. Any use not specifically listed as a permitted principal use shall be a prohibited use in these zoning districts and shall only be permitted upon amendment of this Code and/or the Zoning Map as provided in Chapter 1131.
Permitted Uses(f) | ||||
R-3 | R-10 | |||
Single-Family Residence District | Single-Family Residence District | |||
(1)Residential | ||||
A. One-family dwelling, detached | P | P | ||
P | P | |||
(2) Community Facilities/Institutions | ||||
A. Civic center | P | P | ||
B. Library | P | P | ||
C. Places of worship/church | P | P | ||
D. Public safety facility | P | P | ||
E. Public service facility | P | P | ||
Schedule 1141.03 Permitted Uses(f) | ||||
R-3 | R-10 | |||
Single-Family Residence District | Single-Family Residence District | |||
(3) Other | ||||
A. Agriculture (b) | P | |||
B. Cemetery(g) | P | |||
C. Nurseries | P | |||
(4) Accessory Uses | ||||
A. Detached accessory buildings, including garages, barns and stables, coops, and sheds(a) | A | A | ||
B. Fences, walls(a) | A | A | ||
C. Greenhouse(a) (c) | A | A | ||
D. Home occupation(a) | A | A | ||
E. Kennel(d) (a) | A | A | ||
F. Other accessory structures(a) (e) | A | A | ||
G. Private recreational facilities such as, but not limited to tennis courts, stables(a) | A | A | ||
H. Private swimming pools(a) | A | A | ||
I. Raising of fruit and garden crops(c) | A | A | ||
J. Signs | A | A | ||
(b) Such uses shall have a minimum lot area of ten (10) acres. Equipment associated with the agricultural use shall be stored and/or parked in compliance with the required front, side and rear setbacks set forth in Schedule 1141.07. (c) Such crops/greenhouses shall only be for the use of the occupants of the premises. (d) Including only kennels or housing for household pets and/or permitted domesticated animals. (e) Barns, stables, coops, hutches, corrals and other similar structures are permitted pursuant to subsection 1141.15. (f) Other uses mandated by law shall be considered pursuant to the procedures in Chapter 1127, Site Plan Review Procedures. (g) Cemeteries shall have a minimum lot area of ten (10) acres. Grave markers shall not be required to comply with the required setbacks established by this Chapter. P = Use permitted by right; A = Accessory use; Blank cell = Use not permitted in district |
(Ord. 2011-14. Passed 4-9-12.)