Conservation Development Regulations
1143.01    Intent.
1143.03    Conformity to standards.
1143.05    Minimum project area.
1143.07    Permitted land uses.
1143.09    Density.
1143.11    Open space requirements.
1143.13    Development standards.
1143.15    Street requirements.
1143.17    Homeowners associations.
1143.19    Phased development.
1143.21    Procedures.
1143.23    Site plan review criteria.
1143.01 INTENT.
   Conservation Development (CD) is a permitted development option in the R-3 and R-10 Districts to encourage and accommodate creative and imaginative Conservation Developments that provide for cluster housing and the preservation of open space in a unified project. In compliance with the following regulations, it is intended that Conservation Developments will utilize innovations in the technology of land development that are in the best interests of the Village. These regulations are designed to achieve, among others, the following objectives:
   (a)   To allow creativity, variety, and flexibility in design as necessary to implement the goals and objectives set forth in this Chapter.
   (b)   To promote economical and efficient use of land and public services through unified development, especially in areas with limited road access or irregular shape or which contain significant environmental features.
   (c)   To preserve, to the greatest extent possible, the existing landscape, natural and open space features, and to utilize such features in a harmonious fashion.
   (d)   To conserve and maintain the visual openness that characterizes the Village of Waite Hill.
   (e)   To safeguard natural and scenic vistas within the Village.
   (f)   To ensure that development is guided by the building zones shown on the Zoning Map.
   (g)   To permit the flexible spacing of lots and buildings in order to encourage the preservation of the natural features of the site.
   (h)   To ensure that the proposed Conservation Development occurs in a unified manner in accordance with a site plan prepared by the property owner.
   (i)   To ensure the development will not degrade or endanger the quality of life presently enjoyed by the existing residents.
      (Ord. 2011-14. Passed 4-9-12.)
   Because of the special characteristics related to Conservation Development, specific provisions governing the development of land for this purpose are required. Whenever there is a conflict or difference between the provisions of this Chapter and those of other Chapters of this Zoning Code, the provisions set forth in this Chapter shall prevail. Any existing provisions that are not covered by this Chapter shall be governed by the respective provisions found elsewhere in this Zoning Code.
(Ord. 2011-14. Passed 4-9-12.)
   The gross area of a tract of land proposed for development under Conservation Development regulations shall be a minimum of forty (40) acres in the R-10 District and twenty (20) acres in the R-3 District. The area proposed shall be in one ownership; if in several ownerships, all owners of the properties included in the Conservation Development shall sign and file the application jointly.
(Ord. 2011-14. Passed 4-9-12.)