1141.01 INTENT.
   Single-Family Residence Districts (R-3 and R-10) and their regulations are established in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
   (a)   To preserve and protect the scenic beauty, the ecology and rural character of the Village for the benefit of its citizens and those of surrounding communities by essentially restricting development to low density housing.
   (b)   To regulate the bulk and location of dwellings, accessory buildings, and other structures on each lot;
   (c)   To protect the desirable characteristics and promote the stability of existing residential development;
   (d)   To promote the most desirable and beneficial use of the land in accordance with the objectives and goals of the Village of Waite Hill;
   (e)   To protect and preserve the value, appearance and use of property through the preservation of historic character consistent with the development of the Village;
   (f)   To protect and provide adequate open spaces and to insure adequate ground areas from which to obtain adequate water supply and for the safe and healthful disposal of waste; and,
   (g)   To maintain a living unit density consistent with Village tradition.
      (Ord. 2011-14. Passed 4-9-12.)