General Provisions
153.01 Purpose
153.02 Definitions
153.03 Permits and application process
153.04 Appeals
153.05 Variances
153.06 Damaged or unsafe signs
153.07 Vacated property sign removal
Types and Standards
153.20 Non-conforming signs
153.21 Prohibited signs
153.22 Exemptions and exceptions
153.23 Rules and definitions
153.24 Measurements and locations
153.25 Illumination
153.26 Temporary signs
153.27 Substitution of non-commercial speech and content neutrality
153.28 Signs in road rights-of-way
153.29 Signs on city property
Regulations by District
153.40 General
153.41 Residential Conservancy
153.42 Rural Residential/Limited Agriculture
153.43 Rural Residential Growth/Transitional
153.44 Residential districts (R-1, R-2 and R-3)
153.45 Traditional Downtown Commercial
153.46 Historic Overlay
153.47 General Commercial
153.48 Highway Commercial
153.49 Industrial
153.99 Penalty