The following signs are prohibited:
   (A)   A sign which copies or imitates or in any way approximates an official highway sign or carries the words “STOP” or “DANGER” or any sign which obscures a sign displayed by public authority for the purpose of giving traffic instruction or direction or other public information;
   (B)   A sign which displays flashing or intermittent lights or lights of changing degrees or intensity unless each interval in the cycle is four seconds or more and the sign does not constitute a traffic hazard;
   (C)   A sign which obstructs any window or door opening used as a means of egress or prevents free passage from one part of a roof to any other part thereof. A sign which interferes with an opening required for legal ventilation;
   (D)   Roof signs, except when only seen from above (such as helicopter landing site);
   (E)   A sign in a public right-of-way that in any way interferes with normal or emergency use of that right-of-way. Any sign allowed in a public right-of-way may be ordered removed by the Planning Department upon 30 days’ notice if the use of that right-of-way is changed to require its removal;
   (F)   A sign or illumination that causes any direct glare into or upon any building other than the building to which the sign may be accessory;
   (G)   A sign that violates any provision of any law of the state relative to outdoor advertising;
   (H)   An advertising (commercial) sign located within 600 feet of any interchange or intersection at grade, or any interstate, freeway or highway to the nearest point of the beginning or ending or pavement widening at the exit or entrance to the main travel way; and
   (I)   Any sign or sign structure that would meet the definition of a nuisance under §§ 91.15 through 91.20 of this code of ordinances (or as amended).
(Prior Code, § 310.06) Penalty, see § 153.99