8-1-1: Vinita Utilities Authority
8-1-2: Superintendent Of Public Utilities
8-1-3: Utility And City Personnel
8-1-4: Attaching Pipes, Wires To Utilities
8-1-5: Use Of Utility Services; Compliance Required
8-1-6: Permitting Others To Use Services
8-1-7: Extension Beyond City Limits
8-1-8: Tampering With Public Utility
8-1-9: Wasting Water, Gas, Electricity
8-1-10: Penalty
The trust indenture, hereby incorporated by reference, by and between Bobby G. Wiles, as trustor, and Bobby G. Wiles, Charles E. Kirkendoll, Ronnie Yocham, Joe Johnson, Kenneth Funk, Willard Wells, Lee Simmons, Clarence E. Briley and Jim Wright, as trustees, dated as of December 20, 1985, creating the Vinita utilities authority, a copy of which is on file and available for inspection in the office of the city clerk, wherein the city of Vinita, Oklahoma, is declared to be the beneficiary of said trust, is hereby approved and the city council hereby accepts beneficial interest in said trust for and on behalf of the city, as beneficiary thereof. (1986 Code § 18-28)
A. Office Created: The Vinita utilities authority is hereby authorized to create the office of superintendent of public utilities and to specify such duties and responsibilities as the board of the Vinita utilities authority shall determine to be necessary and advisable for such office in the interest of the public welfare and the safe and efficient operation of the facilities of the Vinita utilities authority. (Ord. 3275, 6-7-2005)
B. Police Power: The superintendent of public utilities shall have the rights and power of a police officer when performing his official duties. (1986 Code § 18-2)
C. Approval Of Necessary Expenditures: The superintendent is authorized to approve necessary expenditures of the utilities authority for amounts up to five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) per purchase. (Ord. 3395, 6-3-2008)
A. Interfering With Utility Department Personnel: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to interfere with, obstruct, or resist personnel of the municipal utility department when they are engaged in performance of their official duties. (1986 Code § 18-3)
B. Assistance By City Personnel: The personnel of the police, fire, street and other departments of the city, under supervision and control by the mayor, shall assist the municipal utility department in the enforcement of ordinances, rules and regulations relating to city owned public utilities as may be appropriate. (1986 Code § 18-4)
C. Access To Premises: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to fail or refuse to give the superintendent of public utilities and other duly authorized personnel of the municipal utility department free access, at reasonable hours of the day or in case of emergency at other times, to all parts of buildings and premises served by the water system, the gas system, the electric system or any other city owned utility or enterprise, for the purpose of performing their official duties in connection with such utilities and enterprises; and such personnel shall have such right of access, provided always that such personnel are properly identified. (1986 Code § 18-5)