No person shall erect a drilling rig within 500 feet of a habitable dwelling or within 500 feet of the curb line of any public street within the City. Measurements for the distances herein contained shall be made from the center of the well. All drilling rigs erected shall be provided with a fire extinguisher, and all motors used in connection with the drilling operations shall be provided with a muffler of sufficient capacity to reduce the noise of the motors to a level which will not be audible beyond 100 feet from the site of drilling.
(Ord. 2007-69. Passed 11-19-2007.)
The annular space between the casing and well wall shall be filled to the surface with prepared clay, cement, rock sediment or bentonite to prevent any migration of water. If bentonite is used, the mixture shall be not less than two parts bentonite and one part ground fireclay and shall be circulated under pressure to the top of the hole.
(Ord. 2007-69. Passed 11-19-2007.)