521.01 Abandoned refrigerators and airtight containers.
521.02 Venting of heaters and burners.
521.03 Barricades and warning lights; abandoned excavations.
521.04 Sidewalk obstructions; damage or injury.
521.05 Notice to fill lots, remove putrid substances.
521.06 Snow removal.
521.07 Fences.
521.08 Noxious smells, substances; corrupting watercourses.
521.09 Pollution of watercourses and ditches.
521.10 Disposal of garbage, refuse or junk.
521.11 Defiling spring or well.
521.12 Dead animals and putrid substances.
521.13 Unwholesome or adulterated food products.
521.14 Poisons.
521.15 Drainage, seeding and grading of vacant lands.
521.16 Regulation of water usage.
521.17 Smoking in public buildings.
521.18 Spreading contagion.
521.99 Penalty.
See sectional histories for similar State law
Excavation liability - see Ohio R C. 723.49 et seq.
Removal of noxious weeds - see Ohio R.C. 731.51 et seq.
Nuisances - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 3767
Tampering with safety devices - see GEN. OFF. 541.04