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Tucson Overview
Tucson, AZ Code of Ordinances
Tucson, AZ Unified Development Code
Tucson Administrative Directives
5.5.1.   PURPOSE
   The purpose of this overlay is to implement policies in the ’s , the Regional Transportation Plan, and the Air Quality Plan, with specific emphasis on the . The   the future arterial and needs of the community and is a tool to implement the of a safe and efficient system and the design of all serviced by that system, while assuring the economic viability of new and expanding and the continued economic stability of the community. These goals are achieved by providing for the visual improvement of designated as by implementing standards for the design and of the and   , thereby providing:
   A.   A favorable visual impression of Tucson to tourists and visitors at entry points to the and on routes leading to major recreation attractions;
   B.   Enhancement of the built environment along routes of important commercial ;
   C.   Incentives for private investment and economic by providing an attractive streetscape;
   D.   Aesthetic buffering through the implementation of screening or siting of developmental elements that are incompatible with the urban character of uses;
   E.   The improvement and use of the pedestrian environment along major transit routes; and,
   F.   Some measure of air quality control by requiring with live vegetation to assist in purifying the air of carbon dioxide through oxygenation and dilution.
   The GCZ standards apply to the following uses on all property, any portion of which abuts or is to a designated on the ’s or ’s :
   A.   New ;
   B.   Changes of use, including new occurring on vacant land; or,
   C.   Uses of land or legally existing as of June 27, 1988, that are expanded in , , parking, seating capacity, or any other expansion of use, as listed below. Exception. Expansion of for a nonconforming existing use that increases the number of spaces to the minimum required by the for that use is exempt from counting toward the 25% expansion.
      1.   If the expansion is less than 25%, the GCZ applies to the proposed expansion. The remainder of the use or shall be governed by provisions in force at the time of initial approval for the use or ;
      2.   If the expansion is 25% or more, the GCZ applies to the proposed expansion and to the parking and standards that apply to the overall ; or,
      3.   Expansions that occur after June 27, 1988, shall be cumulated in determining the 25% expansion.
   D.   When one or more of the standards of the MS&R   , the , or the Scenic Corridor (SCZ) apply to the same , the most restrictive standards apply.
   E.   At intersections where a and intersect, review and standards of the apply for 700 feet along the from each side of the intersection. The 700 feet shall be measured from the of the . This does not apply to Article 7A, Sign Standards.
   F.   The following are exempt from the application of the standard:
      1.   Utility facilities constructed or installed in accordance with a certificate of environmental issued prior to June 27, 1988, under the authority of A.R.S. Title 40, Chapter 2, Article 6.2;
      2.   Single-   legally existing on June 27, 1988; or,
      3.    within the .
   G.   Where widening of a is planned for construction within three years after the date of a permit application, is not required to be implemented until the road has been completed, provided the developer posts to ensure compliance.
(Am. Ord. 11803, 12/8/2020)
   Applications for within the GCZ are reviewed and considered for approval in accordance with Section 3.3.3, PDSD Approval Procedure.
   The shall not issue any type of approval or construction permit, nor shall any improvement, construction, or of a or be allowed along a , until approval is granted.
5.5.4.    STANDARDS
   In addition to other applicable standards in other sections of the , such as and screening, the following standards are required of in the GCZ:
   A.   Signs
   Signs as permitted by Article 7A, Sign Standards, are allowed within the required landscaped area with the exception of billboards. Billboards are not permitted within 400 feet of the .
      1.   New
         a.   New for on private and on public along shall be underground unless relief is otherwise granted pursuant to UDC sections 5.3.14, Variances or through a Zoning Examiner special exception process per section 4.9.11.A.12.
         b.   Existing poles shall be used to provide the required transition to underground service to new   to . When necessary to serve new , a new pole set in line with, but not extending, an existing overhead system used to serve new is not considered a new utility.
         c.   Upgrades and reinforcements of existing overhead facilities are allowed to the extent that the total number of electrical circuits or communication cables is not increased.
      2.   Existing
      Where an existing is expanded in or land area to any degree, new and existing to all portions of the shall be located underground unless relief is otherwise granted pursuant to UDC sections 5.3.14, Variances or through a Zoning Examiner special exception process per section 4.9.11.A.12. Additions to single-family dwellings are exempt from this provision. Additions to single- dwellings are exempt from this provision.
      3.   Relocation of
      Relocation of overhead utility facilities required by public improvement districts along shall conform with existing franchise requirements.
(Am. Ord. 11803, 12/8/2020; Am. Ord. 11942, 7/12/2022)
   Designation, amendment, or change of boundaries for a shall be established through the amendment to the designation on the MS&R Map in accordance with Section 5.4.3, MS&R Adoption and Amendment.
5.5.6.   VARIANCES
   Variances to the Gateway Corridor standards are processed in accordance with Sections 3.10.1 and 3.10.3, Board of Adjustment Variance Procedure. The Design Review Board shall review variance requests as provided in Section 2.2.6.C.6 and forward its recommendations to the Board of Adjustment.
5.6.    ENVIRONS (AEZ)