Whenever a reduction of employees is required because of a shortage of funds or work or material changes in duties or organization, employees shall be laid off within specific job classifications in inverse order to total length of continuous service with the city. Any permanent employee laid off from a position shall be permitted to take employment in a lower class in the same class series, or in some other lower class in which the employee has completed probation, each of which must be, or have been under the same appointing officer under which the layoff occurred, provided that the employee is physically fit to perform the duties of the position and the action does not cause the layoff of another employee with greater total length of continuous service with the city.
(Ord. No. 7274, § 1, eff. 12-11-89)
Editors Note: Section 7 was added by Proposition 105 of an election called for Nov. 7, 1989, by Ord. No. 7274, approved by the governor Dec. 11, 1989.