General Provisions Applying to All Wells
113.001 Purpose
113.002 Definitions
113.003 Oil and gas official designated
113.004 Compliance with all federal and state law requirements
113.005 Permit required
113.006 Location in or obstruction of streets
113.007 Premises to be kept clean and sanitary
113.008 Noise regulations
113.009 Pits
113.010 Fence required upon completion
113.011 Maintenance of drill site and roads
113.012 Flaring and burning of escaping gas
113.013 Venting
113.014 Hazardous chemicals on drilling sites
113.015 Emergency answering service
113.016 Shutoff valve or switch
113.017 Special restrictions
113.018 Insurance required prior to drilling
General Provisions Applying to All Permit Applications
113.030 Application and filing fee
113.031 Application requirements
113.032 Permitting procedure
113.033 Location of well near residence or commercial buildings; permission of adjacent owners; waivers
113.034 Security required
113.035 Permit conditions
113.036 Application denied or restricted
113.037 Notification of issuance
113.038 Permit term
113.039 Completion of well
113.040 Transfer of permit
113.041 Termination
113.042 Supplemental permit for deepening well
Requirements for Operating Wells
113.055 Permit required
113.056 Application requirements
113.057 Annual fee
113.058 Inspections authorized
113.059 Minimum safety requirements
113.060 Re-completions and stimulations
113.075 Scope
113.076 Mining official designated
113.077 Permit required
113.078 Permit issuance
113.079 Security and insurance requirements
113.090 Use of security
113.091 Revocation or suspension
113.092 Enforcement
113.093 Drilling and mining schedule of fees (due at the time of filing application for permit)
113.999 Penalty