§ 113.002 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning. All technical oil and gas industry words or phrases used in this chapter and not specifically defined herein shall have that meaning customarily attributable thereto by prudent operators in the oil and gas industry.
   CITY BLOCK. A city section, square, rectangular or other tract of land, whether vacant or built upon, and completely surrounded by streets, or otherwise designated and shown upon the plat or map of the city as a regularly constituted block, comprising a unit within itself, unattached to other property.
   CITY LIMITS. All areas within the city limits of Tool, Texas.
   COMMISSION. The Railroad Commission of Texas, or any agency of the State of Texas, which assumes the regulatory responsibilities of the Railroad Commission of Texas with respect to oil and gas drilling and production.
   COMPLETION or COMPLETION DATE. That test date shown in those forms required by the Commission to indicate that all well drilling activities are complete and the well is ready for production as the prerequisite to receiving an allowable from the Commission.
   PERMIT. A drilling permit required to be issued under this chapter as a prerequisite to beginning oil or gas drilling activity in the city limits or an annual operating permit for an operating oil or gas well.
   PERMITTEE. The person to whom a permit is issued for the drilling and operation of a well under this chapter, that person’s administrators, executors, heirs, successors and assigns.
   PERSON. Includes both the singular and the plural, and shall mean and include any person, individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation, club, society, cooperative, trust, municipal corporation or political subdivision whatsoever.
   SITE PLAN. A drawing that demonstrates the proposed operation, and includes as a minimum the following information:
      (1)   The proposed wellhead location, graphically displayed;
      (2)   The probable location of all pits;
      (3)   The probable pipeline route;
      (4)   The probable location of any separator, tank, or other similar equipment;
      (5)   The approximate size and shape of the well site (footprint);
      (6)   Specific details as to impacted vegetation, creeks and other topographic features;
      (7)   Adjacent buildings and other structures, including measured distances therefrom;
      (8)   The location of any designated floodplain, and any special flood protection equipment or flow deflectors necessary to deflect flood-carried waters where wells are located in the designated floodplain; and
      (9)   Any other surface features deemed necessary by the oil and gas official.
   WELL. Any hole or holes, bore or bores, to any sand, formation, strata or depth for the purpose of producing and recovering any oil, gas, liquid hydrocarbon or any of them.
   WELLHEAD. The exact center of the location where the driller inserts the drill bit for purposes of drilling the well; the WELLHEAD for the purposes of this chapter shall also be known as the “hole”.
(Ord. 2006-1019(2), passed 10-19-2006)