The Director of Police Operations shall execute the duties currently performed by the Chief of Police as well as those imposed by ordinances of Council and such further duties as may be prescribed by the Mayor. The Director of Police Operations shall have exclusive control of the stationing and transfer of all police officers and other officers and employees constituting the police force, under such rules and regulations as the Director of Public Safety may prescribe. The police force shall be composed of a Director of Police Operations and such officers and other employees as may be provided for by ordinance or resolution of Council.
(Ord. 104-94. Passed 3-14-94.)
(a) Upon presentation of a proper authorization or release, the following fees shall be charged and collected for services rendered by the Department of Police Operations, when such services are rendered to other than law enforcement officials of the City or Lucas County, or agents of the Department of Justice of the United States or any official agency of the United States or any military organization of the United States or any police agency of any political subdivision:
Processing of fingerprint chart *12.00
File check of a name * 6.00
Photographic enlargements, black and white, each *10.00
Photographic enlargements, color, each 12.50
*The above fees shall be charged and collected whether or not the record or report is found.
(b) The following fees shall be charged and collected for services rendered by the Crime Laboratory of the Police Division when such services are rendered for other than the City or Lucas County officials:
For the first one hour or part thereof during which such services are rendered. $50.00
For each additional hour after the first hour, per hour. 25.00
(c) The fees herein provided shall be paid into the General Fund of the City.
(Ord. 104-94. Passed 3-14-94.)