The Director of Public Safety shall be executive head of the Divisions of Police and Fire. Except as provided by this charter or by ordinance of Council, the Director of Public Safety shall have the duties of a Director of Public Safety as provided by the Ohio Revised Code.
(Amended by electors 11-7-00)
The Director of the Department of Police Operations, to be called the Chief of Police, shall have exclusive control of the stationing and transfer of all patrol officers, and other officers and employees constituting the police force, under such rules and regulations as the Director of Public Safety may prescribe. The Director of Public Safety shall have the exclusive management and control of such other officers and employees as shall be employed in the administration of the affairs of the Department. The police force shall be composed of a Chief of the Department of Police, and such officers, patrol officers and other employees as may be provided for by ordinance or resolution of the Council. In case of riot or like emergency, the Mayor may appoint additional patrol officers and officers for temporary service who need not be in the classified service.
(Amended by electors 11-7-00)
The Director of the Department of Fire and Rescue Operations shall have exclusive control of the stationing and transfer of all firefighters and other officers and employees constituting the fire force, under such rules and regulations as the Director of Public Safety may prescribe. The Director of Public Safety shall have the exclusive management and control of such other officers and employees as may be employed in the administration of the affairs of the Department. The Fire Force shall be composed of a Chief of the Department and such other officers, firefighters and employees as may be provided for by ordinance or resolution of the Council. In case of riot, conflagration, or like emergency, the Mayor may appoint additional firefighters and officers for temporary service who need not be in the classified service.
(Amended by electors 11-7-00)