Maintenance or repair of the fire protection system shall be the total responsibility of the Owner from the water main in the street to the terminus of the system, including tapping sleeve, valves, valve boxes and all related items. Maintenance or repair work may be performed by the Division of Water Distribution personnel provided the Owner submits an authorization form or letter of authorization for this work to the Division and agrees to pay all costs. The Division of Water Distribution cannot repair systems that have an internal fire protection system.
Before water service will be furnished to a private fire protection system, a pressure test satisfactory to the Department shall be made by the contractor and witnessed by a representative of the Department. This test shall include all underground piping from the tapping valve to the building being serviced. After a satisfactory pressure test has been completed, a bacteriological test shall be made by the Department, and the system shall meet all drinking water standards prior to any water being supplied through this service.
The installing contractor shall provide to the Department a completed "Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Underground Piping." The certificate shall be signed by the Owner and the licensed, certified contractor identified in Chapter 202 of these Rules and Regulations.
Private fire systems and all connected apparatus may be tested by parties owning the same or by the insurance inspectors. Written notice shall be given to the Division of Water Distribution that such a test is desired one (1) week prior to the date of the test. The Division may have an employee present if it so desires.
Fire flow tests on any hydrants may be conducted by insurance companies under the following conditions:
A. Written notice shall be given to the Division of Water Distribution that the test is desired one (1) week prior to the date of the test.
B. All tests shall be made in the presence of a representative of the Division of Water Distribution. A charge shall be made for the employee's time based on costs as determined by the Division.
C. The insurance companies requesting such tests shall provide sufficient personnel to conduct these tests.