1745.12. Stairs, porches and walks.
   (a)   Every inside and outside stair or step shall have reasonably uniform risers and treads.
   (b)   Structurally sound handrails shall be provided on any set of steps containing more than three risers.
   (c)   Porches and/or balconies located more than three feet above ground level shall have structurally sound protective handrails at least thirty inches high. If porches and balconies are unenclosed, handrails shall be provided with balusters, or approved equal, and spaced in a manner sufficient to provide safety for the occupants.
   (d)   Exterior walks and steps shall be provided for all weather access to the dwelling or dwelling unit and constructed so as to provide safety, and reasonable durability. The following conditions constitute a defective access walk:
      (1)   Adjoining sections of walks, or portions thereof, whose edges differ vertically by two inches or more (commonly called stub toes).
      (2)   Sections of walks having disintegrated or deteriorated areas which result in uneven surfaces differing vertically by two inches or more, primarily in the area of the block that gets the most use.
      (3)   Any section of walk broken into two or more pieces which results in uneven surfaces differing vertically by two inches or more.
      (4)   Sections of any walk having a transverse slope in excess of five-eighths inch per horizontal foot.
      (5)   The surface of walks which vary from a uniform plane by three-fourths inch or more.
      (6)   Lawn area that protrudes above the level of the access walks or driveway and results in the impoundment of water to a depth of one-half inch or more on the walk or driveway.
(Ord. 135-15. Passed 3-31-15.)