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Toledo Overview
Toledo Municipal Code
Adopted by the Commissioner of Inspection of the City of Toledo under authority given in the Housing Code, under Title Three of this Part Seventeen Health Code.
   No gas or oil fired water heater shall be installed, or allowed to remain installed, in a bathroom, except as detailed below:
   1.    A gas or oil fired water heater may not be installed in a bathroom where the floor square foot area is less than 200 sq. ft.
   2.    A gas or oil fired water heater may be installed in a bathroom of less than 200 sq. ft. area when, space allowing, the water heater can be totally enclosed, and;
      a)    combustion air and ventilating air is supplied from an outside source or from another part of the dwelling or dwelling unit other than the bathroom or any bedroom. There shall be two sources of combustion and ventilating air. The first source shall be located not more than six (6") inches from the floor of the enclosure and the second source shall be located in the service opening, service door, or in the wall, and in no case lower than twelve inches (12") from the ceiling. (The second opening may be in the ceiling if the opening is to an attic or an unoccupied area of the dwelling or dwelling unit). The openings may be louvered or screened or both and, in no case, shall the effective clear area of the opening be less than thirty-six (36) square inches. Where either combustion air or ventilating air, or both is taken from the outside, care shall be taken to avoid the freezing of the water lines or heater, and;
      b)    the water heater flue shall exit the enclosure through the enclosure ceiling or through an enclosure wall provided that the flue pipe does not enter a bathroom or bedroom, and;
      c)    that the service opening or door to the water heater enclosure opens into another part of the dwelling or dwelling unit other than the bathroom or any bedroom. Exception: A service door may open into the bathroom provided the door is a one and three-eighths (1 3/8") inch solid core flush door. This door shall not have any openings for combustion or ventilating air, and;
      d)    that the water heater in the enclosure has proper clearance from all combustibles and the water heater itself is equipped with the proper safety devices, and;
      e)    that the water heater is so placed that maintenance and repairs can be readily made from the service opening or door without disturbing any other part of the enclosure.
   This regulation shall go into effect 30 days from the date of publication unless there is a written objection filed with the Clerk of Council.