1745.01. Compliance.
   No person shall occupy as owner-occupant or let to another for occupancy, any dwelling or dwelling unit, for the purpose of living, sleeping, cooking or eating therein, which does not comply with the requirements set forth in this chapter.
(Ord. 135-15. Passed 3-31-15.)
1745.02. Structural integrity.
   (a)   Every foundation, roof, floor, exterior and interior wall, ceiling, inside and outside stair, porch and every appurtenance thereto, shall be safe and capable of supporting the loads that normal use may cause to be placed thereupon; and shall be kept in sound condition and good repair.
   (b)   Every foundation, roof, exterior wall, door, skylight, and window of all dwellings, dwelling units and accessory buildings shall be reasonably weathertight, watertight, and damp-free, and shall be kept in sound condition and good repair.
   (c)   Floors, interior walls and ceilings shall be sound and in good repair.
   (d)   All exterior surfaces subject to decay shall be protected from the elements and decay by nonlead-based paint or other protective coverings or treatment using nontoxic materials.
   (e)   All fences on the premises shall be maintained in a state of good repair.
   (f)   All dwelling structures and parts thereof, both exterior and interior, shall be maintained in good repair and shall be capable of performing the function for which such structure or part of any feature thereof was designed or intended to be used.
(Ord. 135-15. Passed 3-31-15.)
1745.03. Grading and drainage.
   (a)   Every premises shall be graded, drained, free of standing water and maintained in a clean, sanitary and safe condition.
   (b)   Drain gutters and downspouts when required shall be constructed and maintained so that rain water shall be conveyed away from the roof, exterior walls and foundation and not onto adjacent property.
   (c)   Gutters shall be provided when the following condition is present: roof overhangs are less than twelve inches for one story or twenty-four inches for two-story buildings. When gutters are omitted, a diverter or other suitable means shall be provided to prevent roof water from draining on uncovered entrance platforms or steps.
   (d)   Foundation drainage discharge. Replacement foundation drainage shall not drain to daylight exterior of the building envelope. Replacement foundation drainage tile shall drain either by positive gravity drainage with a direct connection to a storm sewer and/or combination storm-sanitary sewer, or to a sump pump crock. Sump pump discharge of foundation storm water drainage shall be by direct underground connection to a properly sized and installed dry well, to a storm sewer or combination storm-sanitary sewer exterior of the structure, to a properly sized dry well or a contained landscaped area such as a rain garden or retention pond. In all cases, a back-flow prevention system, or check ball valve, must also be installed. However, the discharge shall not cause flooding to adjacent properties nor shall the discharge be made into the public right-of-way. Violations of this subsection shall be a considered a public nuisance.
(Ord. 135-15. Passed 3-31-15.)
1745.04. Required rooms.
   Except for pre-existing buildings or portions thereof that were designed to provide cooking and eating facilities and shared bath and toilet facilities, and which conformed to the code in effect at the time of installation, and which have not caused a health hazard, every dwelling unit shall comply with the following:
   (a)   Every dwelling unit shall have a room or portion of a room in which food may be prepared and/or cooked.
   (b)   Every dwelling unit shall have a non-habitable room which affords privacy to a person within such room and which is equipped with a flush water closet in good working condition.
   (c)   Every dwelling unit shall have a room which affords privacy to a person within such room and which is equipped with a bathtub or shower in good working condition.
   (d)   Each bedroom, bathroom and toilet compartment shall be provided with a door or suitable enclosure for each opening exclusive of windows or skylights.
(Ord. 135-15. Passed 3-31-15.)
1745.05. Storage.
   (a)   Every kitchen shall be equipped with cabinets and/or shelves for the storage of eating, drinking, and cooking equipment, and containers for food, which food does not under ordinary summer conditions require refrigeration for safekeeping, and a counter or table for food preparation; and these shall be of sound construction furnished with surfaces that are easily cleanable and that will not impart any toxic or deleterious effect to food.
   (b)   Clothes closet space or suitable alternative shall be provided within bedrooms or conveniently located nearby.
(Ord. 135-15. Passed 3-31-15.)