963.05. Garbage and rubbish to be placed in containers.
   Every householder residing in a building arranged for occupancy by not more than one family, shall provide and maintain in proper order and repair for the dwelling or premises so occupied by him receptacles as specified in the rules and regulations of the Mayor promulgated pursuant to the authority granted to him in this chapter. Garbage and rubbish shall be placed in receptacles which shall be maintained in good and in sufficient number to contain all the garbage and rubbish emanating from every dwelling, hotel, restaurant, apartment house, public institution or other premises.
   In any building arranged for occupancy by two or more households, the owner or lessee thereof, or his agent, shall provide the necessary number of receptacles. Any defective container having ragged or sharp edges or any defect that is liable to injure or hamper the person collecting the waste, will be confiscated by the City after notice has been given that same is not to be used again.
(Ord. 482-86. Passed 7-1-86.)