General Provisions
50.001 Liability of city for damage to property of consumers
50.002 Turning water service on or off without authorization
50.003 Unauthorized connections to water or sewer system
Rates, Charges and Special Considerations Generally
50.015 Definition
50.016 Application for service
50.017 Meters required
50.018 Installation and maintenance of meters
50.019 Ownership of meters
50.020 Tampering with meters
50.021 Water and sewer deposit required; amount
50.022 Refund of deposit
Sewer Rates, Water Rates and Fees
50.035 Tapping charge for sewer service
50.036 Sewer rates
50.037 Tapping charge for water service
50.038 Water rates
50.039 Due date for payment of charges
50.040 Disconnection of service for non-payment
50.041 Resumption of service after disconnection for non-payment
50.042 Discontinuance of service by customer
50.043 Rates and charges of public utilities to be fixed by City Commission
50.044 Transfer of service
50.045 Service charge on returned checks
Backflow Prevention
50.060 Backflow prevention
50.061 Definitions
50.062 Backflow prevention assembly installation, testing and maintenance
50.063 Customer service inspections
50.064 Emergency suspension of water service
50.065 Non-emergency suspension of water utility service
50.066 Thermal expansion
50.067 Fire hydrant protection
Water and Sewer Extensions
50.080 Scope of subchapter
50.081 Deposit of cost; agreement between property owner and city
50.082 Location and grade of pipe; easements and rights-of-way
50.083 Construction
50.084 Recovery of costs
50.999 Penalty
The city shall not be liable for any damage to the property of any consumer of any utility service furnished by the city due to backflow of the sewerage system, temporary interruption of service or any other cause outside the direct control of the city.
(1998 Code, § 122-2)
It shall be unlawful for any person to turn on city-furnished water service after the service has been cut off by the city, or to turn the service off after the service has been cut on by the city.
(1998 Code, § 122-3) Penalty, see § 50.999
It shall be unlawful for any person to tap, open or make a connection with any main or lateral of the city water or sewer system unless authorized to do so by the city.
(1998 Code, § 122-4) Penalty, see § 50.999
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
UTILITY SERVICE. Water, sewer, garbage collection and any other utility service furnished by the city to customers or consumers within the city.
(1998 Code, § 122-111) (Ord. 08-47, passed 11-19-2008)