An approved double check valve backflow prevention assembly or reduced pressure zone backflow prevention assembly shall be the minimum protection for fire hydrant water meters which are being used for a temporary water supply during any construction or other uses which would pose a potential hazard to the city’s public water supply.
(1998 Code, § 122-146) (Ord. 08-47, passed 11-19-2008)
(A) The property owner or agent shall deposit with the Water and Sewer Department an amount of money sufficient to cover the cost of the desired water and sewer extension. This cost shall be as determined by the city from time to time.
(B) At the time of this deposit, the owner and the city shall execute an extension agreement, which shall cover such subjects as ownership of the line and the method of refund, if any.
(1998 Code, § 122-152)
(A) The location and size of pipe to be used in any water and sewer extension, as well as the grade thereof, shall be determined by the city.
(B) Any easements or rights-of-way shall be furnished at the owner’s expense.
(1998 Code, § 122-153)
The city reserves the right to do and perform all the work and construction required in water and sewer extensions. However, the city may allow each individual property owner or realtor to have the work and construction performed under private contract. In such event, the city reserves the right to inspect the construction. All material used and work performed shall be approved and in conformity with city standards and specifications.
(1998 Code, § 122-154)
(A) Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
CUSTOMER and USER. The owner or his or her agent in charge of the development.
DEVELOPMENT. Subdivisions, either residential, business or combinations thereof. It shall also mean apartment houses, townhouses, garden houses and business complexes as well as other multi-use structures. In no event shall the term DEVELOPMENT include one or more lots or tracts owned by one or more individuals within a subdivision.
(B) Calculation of user’s share of cost. Upon the extension of water and sewer utilities to each customer to be served, the city shall recover from the customer a part of the cost of the extension through the application of the following formula:
(1) Formula. The formula for determining a user’s share of water and sewer extension cost is as follows:
User’s Fee = (Use3 × Acres4 × Distance8 × $0.70) + (Use7 × $4.00)
Use = Average expected water consumption in gallons per day.
Acres = Total area in acres of the customer’s development.
Distance = Total distance in feet from the nearest available water and sewer line in existence prior to October 15, 1982, to the new customer’s property line.
(2) Usage chart. Use as an element in the formula shown in division (B)(1) above is annual average use developed from city records of various customers. Consumption by consumers is shown in the following chart:
Average Water Consumption |
Average Water Consumption | |
Apartment | 140 gpd per unit |
Apartment development* | 4,200 gpd per acre |
Car dealership | 1,743 gpd per each |
Convenience store | 117 gpd per each |
Gas station | 806 gpd per each |
Grocery | 1,500 gpd per each |
House | 303 gpd per house |
Office | 48 gpd per 1,000 s.f. floor space |
Residential development* | 1,364 gpd per acre |
Restaurant | 1,205 gpd per 1,000 s.f. floor space |
Retail | 21 gpd per 1,000 s.f. floor space |
Shopping mall* | 140 gpd per 1,000 s.f. floor space |
Townhouse | 147 gpd per unit |
Unspecified combination development* | 1,500 gpd per acre |
Washateria | 2,537 gpd per 1,000 s.f. floor space |
NOTES TO TABLE: *Lines will be constructed by the city to the nearest exterior property line of a development. | |
(3) Illustration.
(a) To illustrate the formula, assume a 20-acre, 300-unit apartment development located 2,000 feet from the nearest water and sewer line.
(b) The developer’s share of the cost of the extension is calculated as follows:
Use = Apartments at 140 gpd per apartment = 42,000 gallons per day
User’s fee = (42,000 gpd)3 × (20 acres)4 × (2,000 feet)8 × $0.70 + (42,000 gpd7 × $4.00)
User’s fee = $24.38 × 3.31 × 437.34 × $0.70 + (1,722.96 × $4.00)
User’s fee = $31,596.50
(C) Payment required prior to tap. It shall be unlawful for any person to tap onto any water or sewer line so extended without paying the required fee as calculated from the formula.
(1998 Code, § 122-155) Penalty, see § 50.999
(A) Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is prescribed shall be subject to § 10.99.
(2) Civil penalty. The City Attorney is authorized to commence an action for appropriate equitable or injunctive relief in a court of competent jurisdiction, in accordance with Tex. Local Gov’t Code § 54.012. Such relief may include:
(a) A civil penalty not to exceed $1,000 per violation per day;
(d) All other damages, costs and remedies to which the city may be entitled.
(1998 Code, § 122-147)
(C) Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, the penalty for a violation of § 50.020 (tampering with a water meter) is up to $500.
(Ord. 08-47, passed 11-19-2008; Ord. 14-30, passed 11-5-2014; Ord. 17-21, passed 6-21-2017)