For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLIES. Assemblies or devices designed to provide protection against health hazards (e.g., air gap, reduced pressure zone, double check valve and the like).
BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY TESTER. A licensed backflow prevention assembly tester who holds a current license issued by the Commission.
CLOSED SYSTEM. To water, once it has passed through a properly functioning backflow prevention device, that cannot re-enter the distribution system.
COMMISSION. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), it predecessor agency and any successor agencies.
COMMISSION RULES. Those rules governing public water systems and found in Title 30 of the Tex. Administrative Code Ch. 290, Subch. D.
CROSS-CONNECTION. Any actual or potential connection or structural arrangement between a potable water supply system and any plumbing fixture or any tank, receptacle, equipment or device, through which it may be possible for any non-potable, used unclean, polluted and/or contaminated water or other contaminant, to enter into any part of such potable water system under any condition or set of conditions.
MANUAL M14. The American Water Works Association’s Recommended Practice for Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control, second edition or current.
PERSON. Any individual, partnership, associations, corporation, firms, clubs, trustees, receivers and bodies politic and corporate.
THERMAL EXPANSION. Heated water that does not have the space to properly expand.
(1998 Code, § 122-140) (Ord. 08-47, passed 11-19-2008)
(A) All backflow prevention assemblies shall be tested upon installation by a backflow prevention tester and certified to be operating within specification enumerated in the Manual M14 or the University of Southern California Manual of Cross-Connection Control, ninth edition or current edition. Backflow prevention assemblies which are installed to provide protection against health and non-health hazards must be tested and certified to be operating within specification at least annually by a backflow prevention assembly tester.
(B) All backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed and tested in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, Manual M14 or the University of Southern California Manual of Cross-Connection Control, ninth edition or current edition. Test results shall be recorded on a backflow prevention assembly test report form and submitted to the City Plumbing Inspector within five days of the test. When applicable with the requirements above, all backflow prevention assemblies must be located underground in a vault. The assembly shall be readily accessible with adequate room for testing and maintenance. All vaults shall be well drained, constructed of suitable material and sized for appropriate clearances.
(C) Assemblies shall be repaired, overhauled or replaced at the expense of the owner whenever said assemblies are found to be defective by a backflow prevention assembly tester. Original forms of such test, repairs and overhaul shall be submitted to the City Plumbing Inspector within five working days of the test, repair or overhaul of each backflow prevention assembly.
(D) No backflow prevention assembly or device shall be removed from use, relocated or other assembly or device substituted without the approval of the City Plumbing Inspector. Whenever the existing assembly or device needs to be removed from the present location, the backflow assembly or device shall be replaced with a backflow prevention assembly or device that complies with this section, Manual M14 or the pertinent Plumbing Code, whichever is most stringent.
(1998 Code, § 122-141) (Ord. 08-47, passed 11-19-2008; Ord. 11-42, passed 11-16-2011)
(A) A customer service inspection shall be completed prior to providing continuous water service to all new construction, on any existing service when the City Plumbing Inspector has reason to believe that cross-connections or other contaminant hazards exist, or after any material improvement, correction or addition to the private water distribution facilities.
(B) Only individuals with the following credentials shall be recognized as capable of conducting a customer service inspection:
(1) Plumbing inspectors and water supply protection specialists that are licensed by the State Board of Plumbing Examiners; or
(2) Customer service inspectors that are licensed by the Commission of its designated agent, and hold a current license issued by the Commission.
(C) The customer service inspection must be documented with an approved inspection form and such form must be submitted to the City Plumbing Inspector.
(1998 Code, § 122-142) (Ord. 08-47, passed 11-19-2008)
(A) The Water Utilities Department may, without prior notice, suspend water service to any premises when such suspension is necessary to stop an actual or potential backflow which:
(1) Presents or may present imminent and substantial danger to the environment or to the health or welfare of persons; or
(2) Presents or may present imminent and/or substantial danger to the city’ public water supply.
(B) As soon as practical after the suspension of service, the Water Utilities Department shall notify the owner or person in charge of premises of the suspension, in person or by certified mail, and shall order such person to correct the cross-connection which allowed the backflow or potential backflow to occur. When time permits, the Water Utilities Department should also notify the owner or person in charge prior to the suspending of water service.
(C) The Water Utilities Department shall not reinstate suspended services until:
(1) The person presents proof, satisfactory to the Water Utilities Department, that the hazard or potential hazard has been eliminated and its cause determined and corrected;
(2) The person pays the city for all costs the city incurred in responding to the backflow or threatened potential backflow; and
(3) The person pays the city for all costs the city will incur in reinstating service.
(1998 Code, § 122-143) (Ord. 08-47, passed 11-19-2008)
(A) The Water Utilities Department may suspend the city-provided water supply of any user who violates the following conditions:
(1) Refusing the Water Utilities Department reasonable access to the water user’s premises for the purpose of inspection;
(2) Hindering or denying the Water Utilities Department access to backflow prevention assemblies;
(3) Failing to install, maintain or test backflow prevention assemblies as required by the Water Utilities Department; or
(4) Failing to install, maintain and operate their piping and plumbing systems in accordance with the city’s Plumbing Code.
(B) The Water Utilities Department will notify a water user in writing of the proposed termination of its water supply by certified mail, return receipt requested. The water user may petition the Water Utilities Department for a reconsideration of the decision.
(C) The Water Utilities Department shall not reinstate suspended services until:
(1) The person presents proof, satisfactory to the Water Utilities Department, that the condition has been eliminated and its cause determined and corrected;
(2) The person pays the city for all costs the city incurred in responding to the backflow or threatened potential backflow; and
(3) The person pays the city for all costs the city will incur in reinstating service.
(D) A person commits an offense if the person reinstates water service to the premises terminated pursuant to this section, without the prior written approval of the Water Utilities Department.
(1998 Code, § 122-144) (Ord. 08-47, passed 11-19-2008) Penalty, see § 50.999
An approved double check valve backflow prevention assembly or reduced pressure zone backflow prevention assembly shall be the minimum protection for fire hydrant water meters which are being used for a temporary water supply during any construction or other uses which would pose a potential hazard to the city’s public water supply.
(1998 Code, § 122-146) (Ord. 08-47, passed 11-19-2008)