The customer shall pay the entire cost of connection for sewer service, including, but not limited to, tapping the sewer main, installing sewer service line or any other required appurtenance and the like, but such facilities shall become the property of the city to the easement line. All such installations shall be performed by a licensed plumber and the installation and completed configuration is to be inspected by city and approved by city prior to initiation of water and sewer service.
(1998 Code, § 122-119) (Ord. 08-47, passed 11-19-2008)
(A) The schedule of monthly rates and charges for sanitary sewer service furnished by the city shall be as follows:
(1) One commode, urinal, bathtub, shower, bath, sink or other drain: $0.60; and
(2) For each additional commode, urinal, bathtub, sink, shower, bath or other drain: $0.60; minimum monthly charge: $1.20.
(B) The provisions of § 51.07 of this code of ordinances requiring a separate house sewer for each house or building shall not apply to an apartment house containing at least six dwelling units or to a group of six or more houses or buildings located on the same lot or abutting lots used as residential rent houses or apartments, if all of the lots, houses and buildings are owned by the same person.
(C) In assessing rates for sewer service, an apartment house and a group of houses or buildings, as described in division (B) above, shall be considered as a unit or as one house or building.
(D) In addition to the charges to be collected pursuant to divisions (A)(1) and (A)(2) above, the following charges shall be collected and shall apply only to water consumption measured by any city water meter serving a building located within the city limits:
(1) One thousand gallons or less water usage: $4.00; and
(2) For each additional 1,000 gallons of water usage: $4.00.
(E) Sewer rates will be reviewed not less than every three years.
(1998 Code, § 122-120) (Ord. 08-47, passed 11-19-2008; Ord. 17-19, passed 6-21-2017)
(A) General. The customer shall pay the entire cost of connection, including, but not limited to, tapping the main, installing any required valve, meter or any other required appurtenance and the like, but such facilities shall become the property of the city to the easement line. All such installations shall be performed by a licensed plumber in accordance with city standards and in accordance with national plumbing standards. The installation and completed configuration is to be inspected by city and approved by city prior to initiation of water and sewer service.
(B) Developed subdivisions. In developed subdivisions where the cost of constructing water lines shall have been paid by the developer, the developer shall also pay the entire cost of connection, including, but not limited to, tapping the main, installing any required valve, meter or any other required appurtenance and the like, but such facilities shall become the property of the city to the easement line. The developer will also be required to pay for the procurement and installation of water meters and appurtenances as required by city. All such water meter installations in developed subdivisions shall include automated water meter (AMR) equipment, as required, which is in accordance with city AMR guidelines and which is completely compatible with city’s automated water meter reading and billing system.
(C) Commercial and industrial customer accounts. For all water/sewer accounts which require a water meter larger than three-quarter inch, the customer is responsible for the entire cost of connection, including, but not limited to, tapping the main, installing any required valve, meter or any other required appurtenance and the like, but such facilities shall become the property of the city to the easement line. Such water customers will also be required to pay for the procurement and installation of water meters and appurtenance as required by city. All such water meter installations for meters larger than three-quarter inch shall include automated water meter (AMR) equipment, as required, which is in accordance with city AMR guidelines and which is completely compatible with city’s automated water meter reading and billing system.
(1998 Code, § 122-121) (Ord. 08-47, passed 11-19-2008)
The schedule of monthly rates and charges for water services furnished by the city to its water customers is hereby established as follows:
(A) Domestic, commercial and industrial schedule. For the first increment of water usage up to and including 3,000 gallons of water, the minimum rate will be as follows:
Minimum Monthly Billing
Minimum Monthly Billing
| |
5/8-inch meter | $8.75 |
3/4-inch meter | $9.43 |
1-inch meter | $10.08 |
1-1/2-inch meter | $15.28 |
2-inch meter | $28.28 |
3-inch meter | $49.08 |
4-inch meter | $95.88 |
6-inch meter | $189.48 |
8-inch meter | $280.48 |
10-inch meter | $370.18 |
For the additional incremental water usage in excess of 3,000 gallons, per 1,000 gallons: | |
Pasture and residential | |
4,000 - 9,000 gallons | $4.00 |
10,000 - 24,000 gallons | $6.00 |
25,000 gallons or more | $8.00 |
All other account types | |
4,0000 - 24,000 | $6.00 |
25,000 - 49,000 | $8.00 |
50,000 gallons or more | $10.00 |
(B) Automatic sprinkler connections.
(1) This division (B) is applicable for fire protection where automatic sprinklers are installed and protected by automatic sprinkler control. No use of water shall be allowed under the provisions of this division (B), except for fire protection when automatic sprinklers are operated. A rate of $1.33 per inch of diameter of line serving the customer will be charged.
(2) The customer shall pay the entire cost of connection, including tapping the main, installing the valve and the like, but such facilities shall become the property of the city.
(C) Water rates will be reviewed not less than every three years.
(1998 Code, § 122-122) (Ord. 08-47, passed 11-19-2008; Ord. 10-25, passed 11-3-2010; Ord. 14-12, passed 6-4-2014; Ord. 17-19, passed 6-21-2017)
If any consumer of utility services furnished by the city does not pay the rates and charges, the city shall take action, up to and including disconnection, in accordance with the city's billing and fees procedure, posted at the City's Utility Customer Service Department.