General Provisions
151.001 Purpose
151.002 Enactment and authority
151.003 Short title
151.004 Territorial jurisdiction
151.005 Incorporated areas
151.006 Addressing map
151.007 Schedule of fees
151.008 Legal status provisions; violations
151.009 Variance
151.010 Definitions of specific terms or words
151.011 Conflict with other laws
151.012 Severability
151.013 Effective date
Numbering System
151.025 Uniformity of the system
151.026 Road naming and numbering criteria
151.027 Numbering method
151.028 Dead end roads
151.029 Numbers begin with 100, 200, 300 and the like
Addressing System
151.040 Method of assigning a number
151.041 Corner lots
151.042 Road name of address
151.043 Requirements for road naming and numbering
151.044 Duplex and multi-family dwellings
151.045 Assigning of unit designators
151.046 Mobile homes
151.047 Recreational or resort communities
Posting Requirements for Structures
151.060 Time constraints
151.061 Number specifications
151.062 Posting locations
151.063 Maintenance of structure numbers
Road Naming
151.075 Approval of private road names
151.076 Deceptively similar names
151.077 New road names
151.078 Road names
151.079 Discouraged names
151.080 Suffixes
151.081 Road segments
151.082 Offset intersections and split routes
151.083 Impasses
Road Name Signs and Standards
151.095 Installation and maintenance
151.096 Sign standards
151.110 Ordinance Administrator and responsibilities
151.111 Applications and petitions
151.112 Building permits
151.113 Certificate of occupancy
151.114 Fees
151.115 Reason for denial
151.130 Public notification requirements
151.131 Letter of notification
151.132 Proposal of amendment
151.133 Protest of an amendment
151.999 Penalty
This chapter shall be known as the “Road Addressing Ordinance of Surry County, North Carolina”, and may be referred to as the “Addressing Ordinance” or “this chapter”, and the map referred to shall be identified by the title “Official Road Name and Structure Numbering Map, Surry County, North Carolina”, and may be known as the “Addressing Map”.
(Ord. passed 6-21-2004)
Any incorporated area within the county that is being provided radio/communications services by the county’s Communications/E-911 Center is requested to adhere to the road addressing policies set forth in this chapter, which may require the adoption of a compatible ordinance by its governing board.
(Ord. passed 6-21-2004)