Road name signs shall meet the following standards.
(A) All road name sign blades shall be a minimum six-inch flat vertical dimension sign with a minimum of four-inch engineer grade “C” font letters.
(B) Public road name signs or “blades” shall be made of a reflective green sheeting with the road name in reflective silver letters on both sides.
(C) Private name signs or “blades” shall be made of a reflective green sheeting with the road name in reflective silver letters and a small yellow sheeting at the end of each sign with the black lettering of “PVT” on both sides.
(D) Historical name signs or “blades” shall be made of reflective brown sheeting with the road name in reflective white letters on both sides.
(Ord. passed 6-21-2004; Ord. passed 8-12-2024)
The Tax Department Addressing Committee shall be responsible for the administration of this chapter, including, but not limited to:
(A) Developing general policies and procedures;
(B) Giving technical assistance;
(C) Preparing a progress report for the Surry County Board Commissioners;
(D) Maintaining addressing standards and assigning all numbers for addressable structures;
(E) Maintaining appropriate addressing records;
(F) Designating individual unit addresses within the multiple housing units in conformity with this chapter;
(G) Approval of change of address schematic when needed to facilitate house number assignments along existing roads;
(H) Authorizing legal enforcement action as required by ordinance;
(I) Notification of citizens, governments, agencies and post offices, as required by law; and
(J) Authorize to correct such clerical or administrative errors that may occur in keeping with the overall plan and intent of this chapter and to approve alternate methods of displaying and/or assigning road addresses which meet the intent of this chapter when strict adherence to these standards cannot be reasonably met.
(Ord. passed 6-21-2004)