When a railway occupies any portion of a street with its tracks running in a general direction of such street, either on or adjacent thereto, the railway company shall improve the space between its tracks and two feet (2') on either side thereof in the same manner that the remainder of the street is to be, or has been, improved, or with such other satisfactory material as the council by motion or resolution may approve. In case any railway company shall occupy an alley with its track or tracks, the company shall improve, gutter, drain and grade such alley, and shall surface or pave it with the same material which is to be, or has been, used on the alley, or with such other satisfactory material as the council by motion or resolution may approve. When more than one track crosses a street within a distance of one hundred feet (100'), measuring from inside rail to inside rail, the railroad company shall grade, gutter, drain and curb the street area between its tracks, and surface or pave it with the same material which the city is to use or has used, on the street. Railroad companies shall keep all such improvements made by them in a good state of repair at all times. (2000 Code § 16-101)