(a) Area Variance: $100.00 plus cost of notices.
(b) Zoning Confirmation Letter: $100.00.
(c) Appeal of Administrative Decision or Notice of Violation to Board of Zoning and Building Appeals: $150.00 plus cost of notices.
(d) Interpretation of Code: $225.00.
(e) Similar Use Determination: $250.00 + cost of notices
(f) Zoning Map Amendment: $500.00 plus cost of notices.
(g) Zoning Text Amendment: $500.00 plus cost of notices.
(h) Conditional Zoning Certificate:
(1) Use Approval: $250.00 plus cost of notices.
(2) Site Plan Approval: see site plan.
(i) Site Plan Review, Approval and Construction Observation:
(1) Residential: $500.00 plus cost of notices.
(2) Other: $500.00 plus $0.10 per square foot of building floor space plus cost of notices, total fee not to exceed $5,000.00.
(3) EDITOR'S NOTE: Former subsection (i)(3) hereof was deleted by Ordinance 2005-47, passed March 28, 2005.
(4) Improvement Plans Examination Fee in an amount determined by the City Engineer. The City Engineer shall determine if the review of said plans shall be conducted by the City Engineer or by a consultant acting on behalf of the City and shall charge accordingly pursuant to a detailed itemization listing all reasonable tasks necessary to conduct the review and the estimated cost of each task. The City of Streetsboro Engineer's billable rate shall be calculated on an hourly basis at two and two-tenths (2.2) times the hourly rate. The applicant shall submit a deposit equal to the estimate. If at any time it is determined the amount will be insufficient to finance the cost of a complete and proper review, the City Engineer shall notify the applicant in writing and require the applicant to submit an additional fee amount. Improvement plan review will be suspended until the additional amount is paid. The City Engineer will maintain a detailed account and prepare a final reporting on the cost of review. If the actual cost of review is less than the total amount deposited, a refund of the difference will be made.
(5) Construction observation fees in an amount determined by the City Engineer. The fee shall be used to pay the construction technician's salary. The per hour rate shall equal two and two-tenths times the construction technician's hourly wage. Construction observation fees shall be billed monthly by the City and the applicant shall pay the fees within ten business days of the post mark date of the City's invoice. The applicant's financial guarantee (see (6) below) may be used to guarantee payment of the construction observation fees. No refunds on any fee, deposit or financial guarantee shall be made until all outstanding construction observation fee charges are paid in full.
(6) Guarantees:
A. The applicant shall post a financial guarantee equal to 110% of an applicant's estimate approved by the City Engineer for the complete and proper construction of improvements. The form of the guarantee shall satisfy the Law Director. The terms of the guarantee shall be for a period not longer than two years unless otherwise approved in writing by the City Engineer and Law Director;
B. After the complete and proper installation of any improvement, a financial guarantee shall be posted with the City in an amount equal to ten percent of the actual cost of the improvement to guarantee the applicant will properly maintain and repair said improvement for a period of eighteen months after the date on which the City Engineer certifies said improvement has been completed and properly installed. (See Title Seven Section 1183.04(d) for applicant's maintenance duties);
(9) Special Study Fee: The City Engineer or City Planning Commission may require an applicant to prepare and submit an applicant's sole cost any special study that is necessary to conduct a proper review given the facts and circumstances of the proposed subdivision. Examples of special studies include: traffic studies; wetland delineations; soil tests; environmental impact studies; transportation plans; storm water management; utility capacity, etc.
(j) Site Plan Amendment: $300.00 plus cost of notices.
(k) Sign Review: $50.00 per sign.
(l) Temporary Sign Review $25.00 per sign per 30-day display period.
(m) Request to change hearing date after legal notices have been mailed and/or ordered: $50.00 plus cost of notices.
(n) Integrated Development Plan Review: $1,000 plus $50.00 per acre plus cost of notices.
(o) Contracted Engineering and Construction Services shall be billed at the rate invoiced to the City plus 15% for overhead purposes.
(Ord. 2022-74. Passed 5-9-22; Ord. 2023-146. Passed 11-13-23.)
(a) | Change in use with no construction involved | $ 50.00 |
(b) | Single-family residential structure: | 50.00 |
(c) | Two-family residential structure: | 100.00 |
(d) | Accessory building or structure thereto; additions or modifications of more than 10 square feet: | 50.00 |
(e) | Multi-family residential structure; commercial structure; industrial structure; accessory building or structure thereto; additions or modifications: Minimum of $100.00 plus $0.05 per square foot of area within the outside dimensions of the foundation, but not to exceed | $500.00 |
(f) | Institutional structure; governmental structure; quasi-public structure; accessory buildings or structures thereto: | $100.00 |
(Ord. 2005-47. Passed 3-28-05.)
Copies of any requested documents will be charged the rates as set forth in the City’s public record policy.
(a) | Developer Packet. | 35.00 |
(Zoning Code and Subdivision Regulations) | ||
(b) | Maps. | |
(1) Zoning Map (11" x 17") | 0.75 | |
(2) City Map (18" x 36") | 0.50 | |
(c) | Tapes. Copy of audio tape of meetings. | |
Per cassette | 4.85 | |
(d) | Copies of drawings kept on file. | |
(1) 18" x 24" size | 1.50 | |
(2) 30" x 42" size | 1.50 | |
(e) If copies are outsourced, actual cost will be charged.
(Ord. 2020-41. Passed 3-9-20.)
(Ord. 2014-64. Passed 7-28-14.)
Prior to the issuance of a building permit(s) for the development and construction of any new major and/or minor subdivision(s), single family home(s), multi-family apartments, condominiums, planned unit developments or conversion of any single family home(s), the Building Inspector shall collect a Parks and Recreation fee in accordance with the following subsections:
(a) Fee. A fee of two hundred dollars ($200.00) shall be collected per new dwelling unit to be constructed.
(b) Payment. Payment in full shall be made prior to the issuance of the building permit(s).
(Ord. 2014-64. Passed 7-28-14.)
There shall be a charge for all bad checks received by the City. The charge will be the cost imposed by the bank plus ten dollars ($10.00). See Section 133.04.
(Ord. 2014-68. Passed 7-28-14.)
All construction necessitating a preconstruction $500.00
be paid by developer/owner of the project.
(Ord. 2014-64. Passed 7-28-14.)