Within a Business Transitional District, no building, structure or premises shall be used, arranged to be used or designed to be used except for one of more of the following uses or similar uses as may be determined by the Planning and Zoning Commission pursuant to Section 1151.04:
(a) Permitted Uses.
(1) Establishments engaged providing a variety of services to individuals and business establishments, such as:
A. Art gallery, photo, stationery, notion and gift sales.
B. Banks.
C. Barber and beauty shop, salons as defined in Ohio R.C. 4713.01 including licensed massage, tanning and other personal services authorized under Ohio R.C. 4713.42, when clearly an accessory use to these principal uses.
D. Clothing, apparel and variety shop.
Delicatessen, coffee shop, bakery, ice cream parlor, meat market, confectionery, tavern, restaurants excluding those with drive-thru access.
F. Dry cleaning and laundry agency.
G. Florist shop.
H. Hardware store.
I. Professional offices such as medical, dental, architectural, engineering, optical, accounting and legal services.
J. Sporting goods.
K. Dance Studio.
L. Optical.
M. Investment firm and companies.
N. Real estate and insurance companies.
O. Libraries and museums.
P. Printing, blueprinting, copy services.
Q. Employment services.
R. Home entertainment such as video, DVD, game rental.
S. Indoor Recreational Facility.
T. Domestic pet services including grooming, boarding, exercising, and limited retail sales of items related to the same.
U. Accessory uses clearly incidental to and customarily related to the primary permitted use.
(Ord. 2018-81. Passed 6-11-18.)
(a) Minimum Front Yard Depth. Adjacent to Business or Industrial District: 50 feet. Adjacent to Residential District: 50 feet.
(b) Minimum Rear Yard Depth. Adjacent to Business or Industrial District: 25 feet. Adjacent to Residential District: 100 feet.
(c) Minimum Side Yard Width. Adjacent to Business or Industrial District: 25 feet. Adjacent to Residential District: 50 feet.
(Ord. 2014-35. Passed 4-28-14.)
Parking lots shall be located to the rear of the building and requirements shall be regulated by Chapter 1155.
(Ord. 2014-35. Passed 4-28-14.)
(a) Site plans of the development shall be submitted to and subject to approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission to insure compliance with the standards set forth in this chapter.
(Ord. 2014-35. Passed 4-28-14.)