General Provisions
   95.01   House moving
Complete Streets
   95.10   Title
   95.11   Purpose
   95.12   Definitions
   95.13   Infrastructure design to ensure safe travel
   95.14   Data collection, standards, and public input
Street Requirements and Regulations
   95.20   Definitions
   95.21   Permit required
   95.22   Applications
   95.23   Fees
   95.24   Bond
   95.25   Notification
   95.26   Manner of excavation
   95.27   Supervision and inspection
   95.28   Sidewalks
   95.29   Tunneling required
   95.30   Driveway approaches
   95.31   Protective measures and routing of traffic
   95.32   Protection of adjoining property
   95.33   Breaking through pavement
   95.34   Backfilling
   95.35   Restoration of street surfaces
   95.36   Trees, shrubs and grasses in right-of-way
   95.37   Curb cuts
   95.38   Clean up
   95.39   Prompt completion of work
   95.40   Urgent work
   95.41   Emergency action
   95.42   Preservation of monuments
   95.43   Inspections
   95.44   Driveway aprons; construction required
   95.45   Removal of encroachment
   95.46   Dumping snow
   95.47   Temporary street closings
   95.48   Additional regulations
Safety Requirements
   95.60   Purpose
   95.61   Permits required
   95.62   Safeguards and barricading
   95.63   Shoring of excavations
   95.75   Definition
   95.76   Specifications and permits
   95.77   Line and grade stakes
   95.78   Sidewalk specifications
   95.79   Permit revocation
   95.80   Ordering construction
   95.81   Construction by city
   95.82   Sidewalk maintenance
   95.83   Sidewalk repair
   95.84   Sidewalks to be cleared
   95.85   Failure to clear snow/ice from sidewalk
   No person shall move, transport, or convey any building, machinery, truck or trailer more than eight feet eight inches wide or higher than 13 feet, six inches above the surface of the roadway or longer than 50 feet into, across, or along any street, or other public place in the city, without first obtaining a permit from the Police Chief. The applicant shall file the written clearances from the light, telephone, gas and water utilities, stating that all connections have been properly cut off and, where necessary, all obstructions along the proposed route of moving will be removed without delaying moving operations. In addition, clearance shall be obtained from the Police Department and Fire Department approving the proposed route through the city streets and the time of moving, together with an estimated cost to the Police Department due to the moving operations. The applicant shall deposit with the city the total estimated cost to the Police Department and Department of Public Works and shall file with the city a liability insurance policy in the amount of $500,000.
(1990 Code, § 4.34)
§ 95.10 TITLE.
   This subchapter shall be known as the City of St. Johns “Complete Streets Ordinance”.
(Ord. 607, passed 9-10-2012)
§ 95.11 PURPOSE.
   The purpose of this chapter is to promote the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, and general welfare for walking, bicycling, and public transportation and to encourage increased use of these modes of transportation, enable convenient travel as part of daily activities, improve the public welfare by addressing a wide array of health and environmental problems, and meet the needs of all inhabitants of the city of the streets, including children, older adults, and people with disabilities; to provide for the orderly growth and harmonious development of the city consistent with the comprehensive development plan and the zoning ordinance; to secure adequate traffic circulation to the streets and highways; to insure adequate provisions for water, drainage, sanitary sewer facilities, and other health requirements; to achieve the maximum utility and livability on individual lots; and to provide logical procedures for the achievement of these purposes.
(Ord. 607, passed 9-10-2012)