No contractor, subcontractor, or anyone acting in consort therewith shall commence any excavation, opening, tree trimming, or maintenance of streets, sidewalks, curbs or other public ways without first obtaining a written permit from the Department of Public Works at least 48 hours prior to the commencement of such work, and without first notifying the St. Johns Police Department to enable the re-routing, if necessary, of all emergency vehicles, unless such work is deemed to be required in an emergency situation, including gasline break, in which case such work shall not be commenced without the contractor first contacting the Superintendent of the Department of Public Works, the Superintendent of the Water Department, and the St. Johns Police Department.
(1990 Code, § 4.31)
All such openings, excavations, maintenance and/or obstructions shall be properly and substantially barricaded, signed and marked at the contractor’s expense pursuant to the Manual of Traffic Controls for Street and Highway Construction and/or Maintenance Operations by the Michigan Department of State Highways, Traffic Control Devices, or any applicable successor document thereto, specifically pursuant to §§ 6-Al, 6-A2, 6-A3, 6-A4, and 6-A5, which sections of the Municipal Department of State Highways Manual are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof.
(1990 Code, § 4.32)
All openings and excavations shall, where necessary, be properly and substantially sheeted and braced as a safeguard to the workmen and to prevent cave-ins or washouts which would tend to injure and further damage the thoroughfare or subsurface structure of the streets or public ways.
(1990 Code, § 4.33)
The City Superintendent of Public Works shall furnish line and grade stakes as may be necessary for proper control of the work, but this shall not relieve the owner of responsibility for making careful and accurate measurements in constructing the work to the lines furnished by the Superintendent. Where it is necessary to replace engineer’s stakes disturbed or destroyed without fault on the part of the city or its employees, a charge per stake shall be paid.
(1990 Code, § 4.63)
Sidewalks shall not be less than four inches in thickness and expansion paper shall be placed in the joints. Sidewalks at driveway crossings shall be not less than six inches in thickness. All concrete used in sidewalk construction shall, 28 days after placement, be capable of resisting a pressure of 3500 pounds per square inch without failure. The City Manager may establish additional detailed specifications in addition hereto and not inconsistent herewith.
(1990 Code, § 4.64)