   No person shall permit any sidewalk which adjoins property owned by him to fall into a state of disrepair or to be unsafe.
(1990 Code, § 4.68)
   Whenever the City Manager shall determine that a sidewalk is unsafe for use, notice may be given to the owner of the lot or premises adjacent to and abutting upon said sidewalk of such determination, which notice shall be given in accordance with this code. Thereafter, it shall be the duty of the owner to place the sidewalk in a safe condition. The notice shall specify a reasonable time, not less than seven days, within which such work shall be commenced and shall further provide that the work shall be completed with due diligence. If the owner of the lot or premises shall refuse or neglect to repair any sidewalk within the time limited therefor, or in a manner otherwise than in accordance with this chapter, the City Manager shall have the sidewalk repaired. If the City Manager determines that the condition of the sidewalk is such that immediate repair is necessary to protect the public, he may dispense with the notice. The cost of repairs hereunder shall be charged against the premises which the sidewalk adjoins and the owner of the premises and shall be collected as provided for single lot assessments.
(1990 Code, § 4.69)
   The occupant of every lot or premises adjoining any street, or the owner of such lot or premises, if the same are not occupied, shall clear all ice and snow from sidewalks adjoining such lot or premises within the time herein required. When any snow or ice shall cease to fall during the daylight hours, such snow or ice shall be cleared from the sidewalks within 12 hours after such cessation. When a fall of snow or ice shall have ceased during the nighttime, it shall be cleared from the sidewalks by 6:00 p.m. of the day following.
(1990 Code, § 4.70)
   If any occupant or owner of property located within the city shall neglect or fail to clear ice or snow from the sidewalk adjoining their premises within the time period specified in § 95.84, supra., or shall otherwise permit ice or snow to accumulate on the sidewalk, they shall be guilty of a violation of this chapter. If evidence of such violation is found, the City Manager or their designee shall order the same to be cleared and the expense of removal shall become a debt to the city from the occupant or owner of the premises. Reimbursement to the city shall be collected either by billing the violator, or as a single lot assessment if payable is not promptly made.
(1990 Code, § 4.71) (Am. Ord. 668, passed 3-14-2022)