   The pushing, dumping, or depositing of snow or ice from any privately owned premises into or upon any street in the city shall constitute a violation of this code and shall be deemed an encroachment subject to the provisions of § 95.45.
(1990 Code, § 4.38)
   The Chief of Police shall have authority to temporarily close any street, or portion thereof, when he shall deem such street to be unsafe or temporarily unsuitable for use for any reason. He shall cause suitable barriers and signs to be erected on said street, indicating that the same is closed to public travel. When any street or portion thereof shall have been closed to public travel, no person shall drive any vehicle upon or over said street except as the same may be necessary incidentally to any street repair or construction work being done in the area closed to public travel. No person shall move or interfere with any sign or barrier pursuant to this section without authority from the Chief of Police.
(1990 Code, § 4.39)
   The City Manager may make additional regulations pertaining to openings and excavations in the streets, curb cuts, street obstructions, and house moving, which regulations shall be subject to the approval of the City Commission. No person shall fail to comply with any such regulations.
(1990 Code, § 4.36)
§ 95.60 PURPOSE.
   (A)   The purpose of this subchapter is to better control the hazards created on streets, sidewalks, or public properties owned by the city, or under the control of the city, or the Michigan State Highway Department as located within the city.
   (B)   It is anticipated the following provisions shall cover the type of work and excavation as follows:
      (1)   Street construction and/or maintenance;
      (2)   Curb and sidewalk construction and/or maintenance;
      (3)   Tree trimming, tree removal, or stump removal;
      (4)   Utility construction and/or removal and maintenance, including electric, gas and the like;
      (5)   Water mains, water services, sewer mains, or sewer service construction and maintenance.
(1990 Code, § 4.30)