A freestanding long-term use sign, with time and quantity limitations, shall be constructed or fabricated of materials, such as, but not limited to, metal framing, coated or pressure-treated wood of one-half inch thickness or greater, which is designed to withstand long-term exposure to the surrounding environmental conditions which is not intended to be permanently installed. This does not include a pole sign, which is expressly prohibited. The time and quantity limitations defined within this section are imposed to avoid visual clutter, the development of litter, traffic hazard or other adverse effects.
(a) Restrictions.
(1) Size. The sign facing can be shaped in any dimensional configuration, limited by the allowable sign face square footage. The entire sign structure is to allow for the various sign face dimensional configurations, but shall not exceed the maximum structure's stated limitations.
A. Maximum height: 5 feet.
B. Maximum width: 10 feet.
C. Maximum area: 30 square feet per face.
(2) Location.
A. No closer than 20 feet from the front property line; and
B. No closer than 15 feet from any other property line.
C. On corner lots, no sign shall be allowed within a triangle formed between points on the front and side property lines within 35 feet from their intersection.
(3) Quantity. Maximum: one sign for each street on which the lot has frontage.
(4) Duration. No longer than 180 days on two separate occasions during a year.
(5) Exemption. Signs with a maximum structure height of four feet; and a maximum sign face area of 12 square feet shall be exempt from the permit requirement.
(6) Permit. The Zoning Administrator shall review and act on applications according to the design and construction criteria set forth in Section 770.07
of this chapter.
(b) Applicable Sections.
(1) Section 770.06, Computations.
(2) Section 770.07, Sign Design and Construction Criteria.
(3) Section 770.08, Maintenance.
(4) Section 770.10, Application Requirements.
(Ord. 15-01. Passed 9-22-03.)
A special event sign, with time and quantity limitations, shall be for the purpose of advertising the opening of a business, community event, community program or community festival. The permitted type of signs allowable within Commercial and Manufacturing Districts shall be freestanding or banner sign. The time and quantity limitations defined within this section are imposed to avoid visual clutter, the development of litter, traffic hazard or other adverse effects.
(a) Restrictions.
(1) Size. The sign facing can be shaped in any dimensional configuration, limited by the allowable sign face square footage. The entire sign structure is to allow for the various sign face dimensional configurations, but shall not exceed the maximum structure's stated limitations.
A. Freestanding short-term use sign. Maximum structure height: 5 feet.
B. Temporary special event and banner sign. Maximum sign face area: 24 square feet.
(2) Location.
A. Freestanding sign:
1. No closer than 20 feet from the front property line;
2. No closer than 15 feet from any other property line; and
3. On corner lots, no sign shall be allowed within a triangle formed between points on the front and side property lines within 35 feet from their intersection.
B. Banner sign: Attached to the front of the building.
(3) Quantity. The business entity shall be permitted one sign per event.
(4) Duration.
A. Not to exceed 30 days; and
B. Not more than four times per calendar year.
(5) Permit. A permit for approval of a freestanding long-term use sign shall be filed with the Building Department. The permit shall be approved by the Zoning Administrator and not the Architectural Review Board. Must also submit a picture/drawing of the sign to include dimensions and how it is secured/anchored, and a site plan with the sign location and distance to road if applicable.
(b) Applicable Sections.
(1) Section 770.06, Computations.
(2) Section 770.07, Sign Design and Construction Criteria.
(3) Section 770.08, Maintenance.
(4) Section 770.10, Application Requirements.
(Ord. 15-01. Passed 9-22-03; Ord. 01-23. Passed 5-22-23.)
The sign, with time and quantity limitations, shall be constructed or fabricated of materials, such as, but not limited to, metal framing and signage, coated or pressure-treated wood of one-half inch thick or greater, which is designed to withstand long-term exposure to the surrounding environmental conditions but is not intended to be permanently installed. The time and quantity limitations defined within this section are imposed to avoid visual clutter, the development of litter, traffic hazard or other adverse effect.
(a) Restrictions.
(1) Size.
A. Maximum height: 4 feet.
B. Maximum width: 3 feet.
(2) Location. No greater than five feet from the entrance of the business entity. May encroach upon the public right-of-way provided an unobstructed walkway is reserved for public passage.
(3) Quantity. One per business entity.
(4) Duration. Only during business entity's operational hours.
(5) Exemption. None.
(6) Permit. A permit for approval shall be filed with the Building Department. The permit shall be approved by the Zoning Administrator and not the Architectural Review Board. Applicant must also submit a picture/drawing of the portable menu/sandwich board sign to include dimensions and how it is secured/anchored, and a site plan with the portable menu/sandwich board sign location and distance to road if applicable. Only one permit per calendar year per business shall be issued.
(b) Applicable Sections.
(1) Section 770.06, Computations.
(2) Section 770.07, Sign Design and Construction Criteria.
(3) Section 770.08, Maintenance.
(Ord. 15-01. Passed 9-22-03; Ord. 01-23. Passed 5-22-23.)
Temporary signs may be ground signs, or window signs. A sign of any type, which is placed for a specified period of time, no longer than 30 consecutive days, intended to announce special events, promotions, or sales.
(a) Restrictions.
(1) Size. The area of a temporary window sign shall not exceed 20% of the total transparent glass area of the window total area in which the sign is placed.
(2) Location. Non-window signs shall be located no greater than five feet from the entrance of the business entity.
(3) Quantity. A maximum of three temporary sign permits will be issued per business per calendar year.
(4) Duration. Each permit is valid for 30 consecutive clays from the date of issuance.
(5) Exemption. A business that uses a temporary sign while awaiting the arrival of their permanent primary sign may have the sign up for no more than 90 consecutive days from the day the permit is issued, and only once per calendar year. If the primary sign is unexpectedly damaged and needs to be replaced, an exception can be made to allow for more than one permit of this type in a calendar year. A permit approved by the Zoning Administrator is still required.
(6) Permit. A permit for approval shall be filed with the Building Department. The permit shall be approved by the Zoning Administrator and not the Architectural Review Board. Applicant must also submit a picture/drawing of the temporary sign to include dimensions and how it is secured/anchored, and a site plan with the temporary sign location and distance to road if applicable.
(b) Applicable Sections.
(1) Section 770.06, Computations.
(2) Section 770.07, Sign Design and Construction Criteria.
(3) Section 770.08, Maintenance.
(Ord. 01-23. Passed 5-22-23.)
A development monument sign shall be permitted as an option for the development with multiple tenants and buildings, with a total acreage greater than ten contiguous acres. The exercise of this option is contingent that no other monument sign which is visible from the public right-of-way shall be erected at any time within the development.
(a) Restrictions.
(1) Size. The sign facing can be shaped in any dimensional configuration, limited by the allowable sign face square footage. The entire sign structure is to allow for the various sign face dimensional configurations, but shall not exceed the maximum structure's stated limitations.
A. Maximum Height: Nine feet
B. Maximum Width: Sixteen feet.
C. Maximum Area: Seventy-two square feet per face. A monument sign may display not more than two faces, located on opposite faces of the sign.
(2) Location. A monument sign shall be permitted on the development at grade along a street.
(3) Quantity. One monument sign shall be permitted per development.
(4) Duration. Restricting time period not applicable when in compliance with this section.
(5) Exemption. Existing nonconforming monument signs, as of the passage date of this section, shall be permitted.
(6) Permit. The Architectural Review Board shall review and act on applications for the design and construction criteria set forth in Section 770.07, Sign Design and Construction Criteria.
(b) Applicable Sections.
770.06 Computations
770.07 Sign Design and Construction Criteria
770.08 Maintenance
770.10(f) Application Requirements
(Ord. 02-13. Passed 6-24-13.)