The undersigned, a Licensed Professional Engineer, and the Owner of the land shown on the attached plat, entitled _____________________, being submitted to the Springfield and Sangamon County Regional Planning Committee, do hereby certify and state that to the best of their knowledge and belief whereas the surface water drainage will be changed by the construction of this subdivision, adequate provisions have been made for the collection and diversion of such surface water into public areas or drains which the subdivider has the right to use and that such surface water will not be deposited on the property of adjoining landowners in such a concentration as may cause damage to the adjoining property because of the construction of said subdivision.
Dated this _________ day of ___________________ A.D., 20_________.
___________________________ _______________________________________
# _______________________
(Prior Code, § 153.114) (Ord. 06-01-01, passed 1-9-2006)