General Provisions
94.001 Sidewalk specifications
94.002 Use of public streets for block parties and other gatherings
Opening of Streets, Sidewalks or Other Public Ways
94.015 Prohibited acts
94.016 Application for permit
94.017 Fee
94.018 Restoration
94.019 Specifications for excavation
94.020 Inspection by village
Trees and Shrubs on Public Streets
94.035 Prohibited acts
94.036 Removal
94.037 Required trimming
94.038 Trimming by the village
Standards for Construction of Facilities on Public Rights-of-Way
94.050 Purpose and scope
94.051 Definitions
94.052 Annual registration required
94.053 Permit required; applications and fees
94.054 Action on permit applications
94.055 Effect of permit
94.056 Revised permit drawings
94.057 Insurance
94.058 Indemnification
94.059 Security
94.060 Permit suspension and revocation
94.061 Change of ownership or owner’s identity or legal status
94.062 General construction standards
94.063 Traffic control
94.064 Location of facilities
94.065 Construction methods and materials
94.066 Vegetation control
94.067 Removal, relocation or modifications of utility facilities
94.068 Cleanup and restoration
94.069 Maintenance and emergency maintenance
94.070 Variances
94.071 Enforcement
94.999 Penalty
Appendix A: Forms