The Building Inspector shall be responsible for the administration and enforcement of this subchapter, and shall in this regards, establish procedures within the village government to accomplish the following:
(A) Examine lists of emissions and corrective equipment submitted with applications for permits to erect, construct, or install new plants or processes with the village or to reconstruct or alter existing plants or processes, and make recommendations to the corporate authorities of the village.
(B) Investigate or cause to be investigated such complaints about air pollution in the village that are filed with the village.
(C) Set up procedure for prompt notification of all persons concerning whom reports of violations of the ordinance or of complaints hereunder that have been received by the village.
(D) Cause legal action in the name of the village to be taken to abate nuisances or to enjoin owners and operators of offending plants, equipment and processes from continuing violations of the provisions of the ordinance or perpetrating nuisances.
(E) Provide for the trailing of police officers of the village in the use of the Ringelmann Chart for smoke and other emission observations the proper reporting of such emissions; and in the proper investigating and reporting of complaints about odors, acid, fume, or dust emissions.
(F) Advise, consult, and cooperate with other agencies of the state, the federal government, other state, interstate agencies, political subdivisions, and industries in furtherance of atmospheric pollution prevention and abatement.
(G) Make recommendations and reports to the corporate authorities of the village.
(H) Cause legal action under the Illinois Municipal Code to be taken to abate air pollution nuisances originating within one mile of the incorporated boundaries of the village.
('81 Code, § 16-1.04) (Ord. 1971-7-18-804, passed 5-17-71)
(A) It shall be unlawful within the village for any person owning or in charge of any fuel- burning, refuse-burning combustion or process equipment or device, or portable boiler, or stacks, vents or premises, to cause, suffer or allow the emission or discharge of smoke from any single such source into the atmosphere the appearance, density, or shade of which is No. 2 or darker, of the Ringelmann Chart, except when building a new fire, when manually cleaning a fire or when blowing tubes and flues in a power plant, heating plant or domestic heating plant, smoke may be emitted of an appearance, density or shade equal to or darker than No. 2 of the Ringelmann Chart for a period or periods aggregating not more than six minutes in any observed 60 minute period.
(B) The “Ringelmann Chart,” as published and described in the U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Circular 8333, and on which are illustrated graduated shades of gray to black for use in estimating the light obscuring capacity of smoke, shall be the standard for determining the appearance, density or shade of smoke. Observations of smoke emissions under this subchapter shall be made by comparing the observed density of smoke with the Ringelmann Chart numbers.
('81 Code, § 16-1.05) (Ord. 1971-7-18-805, passed 5-17-71) Penalty, see § 10.99
A person shall not discharge into the atmosphere from any single source of emission whatsoever any atmospheric pollutants other than smoke for a period or periods aggregating more than two minutes in any one hour which is:
(A) As dark as or darker in shade than that designated as No. 2 on the Ringelmann Chart, as published by the United States Bureau of Mines; or
(B) Of such opacity as to obscure an observer's view to a degree equal to or greater than does smoke described in division (A) of this section.
('81 Code, § 16-1.06) (Ord. 1971-7-18-806, passed 5-17-71) Penalty, see § 10.99
It shall be unlawful within the village for any person to cause, suffer or allow the emission into the air of dust, soot, cinder, or of any particulates from any process or operation that is enclosed or can reasonably be enclosed in concentrations in excess of the allowable rates of emission set forth in Table 1 of § 91.59 of this chapter.
('81 Code, § 16-1.07) (Ord. 1971-7-18-807, passed 5-17-71) Penalty, see § 10.99
Emissions of particulate matter from the combustion of fuel for indirect heating for existing equipment shall be limited by the ASME Standard No. APS-1 dated June 15, 1986, “Recommended Guide for the Control of Dust Emission - Combustion for Indirect Heat Exchangers,” hereby adopted and by this reference thereto hereby incorporated herein by reference. For purposes of this rule the allowable emission shall be calculated from equation (15) in the standard with COmax2=50. Figure 2 in the standard may be used to estimate allowable emission for each stack shall be 0.6 pounds of particulates per million BTU input. The emission rate for multiple stack installations shall be modified in accordance with said ASME Standard No. APS-1.
('81 Code, § 16-1.08) (Ord. 1971-7-18-808, passed 5-17-71) Penalty, see § 10.99
If compliance with this subchapter cannot be reached within 60 days after the effective date of this subchapter, the person responsible for the existing equipment in the village shall submit to the Building Inspector within that same period an Air Contaminant Emission Reduction Program which shall be in accordance with the requirements of this subchapter.
('81 Code, § 16-1.09) (Ord. 1971-7-18-809, passed 5-17-71)
Cost of Corrective Installation | Period of Grace |
Not exceeding $10,000
1 year
Over $10,000 but not exceeding $50,000
2 years
Over $50,000 but not exceeding $100,000
3 years
Over $100,000 but not exceeding $300,000
4 years
Over $300,000
5 years
('81 Code, § 16-1.10) (Ord. 1971-7-18-810, passed 5-17-71)