It shall be unlawful for any person to install, erect, construct, reconstruct, alter, or add to, or cause to be installed, erected, constructed, reconstructed, altered, or added to, any fuel-burning, combustion or process equipment or device, or any equipment pertaining thereto, or any stack or chimney connected therewith, within the village, excepting domestic heating plants, domestic refuse-burning equipment, locomotives and internal combustion engines in said village, until there has been filed in duplicate by the owner, contractor, installer, or other person, or his agent, with the village, an application for a permit accompanied by a complete listing of emissions into the atmosphere that result from the operation of the aforesaid equipment or processes, both as to kind and quantity, and, in addition thereto, a listing of the type and capacity of the equipment used for the collection, absorption, or suppression of each emission and an estimate of its efficiency, and until a permit therefor has been granted by the corporate authorities of the village. Said submitted register of pollutants shall be accompanied by an affidavit of a qualified person stating that it is complete and correct and that the proper operation of the plant or process, as designed, will not result in any violation of this subchapter. Said application shall be filed in the Office of the Building Inspector.
('81 Code, § 16-1.18) (Ord. 1971-7-18-818, passed 5-17-71) Penalty, see § 10.99