Widths of pavements shall be as follows.
   (a)   Major thoroughfares: as required by the state.
   (b)   Principal streets: as required by the county.
   (c)   Minor streets, including cul-de-sac streets: 26 feet. The pavement of a turning circle at the end of a cul-de-sac street shall have a minimum outside diameter of 126 feet and shall be at least 30 feet wide.
   (d)   Service drives: 18 feet.
   (e)   In the case of a minor street or service drive along which the average size of lots is two acres or more and the average street frontage of such lots 200 feet or more, the Commission may authorize a pavement width of 16 feet, provided that, owing to the location and character of the street and subdivision development contemplated, such pavement width, in the judgment of the Commission, will adequately meet the anticipated requirements of traffic.
(Ord. 1987-248, passed 12-7-1987)