   54.001   Definitions
   54.002   Permit required
   54.003   Units of five tons or less
   54.004   Units over five tons
   54.005   Right of entry
   For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   AIR CONDITIONING. The cooling or dehumidification, or both, of space for human occupancy.
   AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM or AIR CONDITIONING INSTALLATION. One or more air conditioning units, the water for which passes through a common meter, whether or not the units are owned by the property owner, the tenant or a combination of both. It is intended that separate submetering for any property owner or tenant occupying different space in the same building could create separate systems; it is not intended that submetering of individual units serving the same space or adjacent space under one owner or tenant would create separate systems.
   INSTALLED CAPACITY. The total number of tons of refrigeration installed on one air conditioning system.
   SEASON. The period of May 1 to September 30 in the same calendar year.
   TON OF REFRIGERATION. The heat required to melt ice at the rate of one ton in 24 hours. One compressor horsepower shall be considered equivalent to ONE TON OF REFRIGERATION.
   WATER CONSERVING DEVICE. A cooling tower, spray pond, evaporative condenser or other equipment by which water is cooled and recirculated, thereby limiting the use of water from the mains to that amount lost through evaporation.
   WATER REGULATING DEVICE. A regulating valve or other device, the purpose of which is to limit the maximum use of water to a predetermined rate.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 14.601; 1992 Code, § 41-93) (Ord. 1912, passed 4-29-1957; Ord. 1962, passed 8-4-1958)
   Definitions and rules of construction generally, see § 10.002
   (a)   Every water customer who desires to install water utilizing air conditioning equipment is hereby required to obtain approval of his or her equipment and a permit therefor in advance from the water department and is required to give notice of completion of the installation.
   (b)   The permit charge shall be $3 for up to and including five-ton capacity of the equipment and $6 for in excess of five tons of capacity of the equipment.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 14.602; 1992 Code, § 41-95) (Ord. 1912, passed 4-29-1957)
   (a)   All compressor-type refrigeration units having standard rated capacities of five tons or less may be equipped with water-cooled condensers, using water from city mains, provided that not more than one unit of capacity so equipped or group of units of total capacity, whether connected singly, in series or in parallel, may be used in one air conditioning system.
   (b)   All types of cooling devices employing city water directly as a means of heat exchange shall be limited to a maximum rate of five gallons per minute, unless the water is again reused in a manner described in division (a) above, in which case the regulations provided for in connection with compressor-type and absorption-type refrigeration shall govern. For this type of system, the total tons of refrigeration shall be the accumulative capacities of both the direct water heat exchanges and the compressor-type or absorption-type collecting components.
   (c)   A person using any system consisting of a unit of five-ton capacity or less or a group of units totaling five tons or less is prohibited from using water from mains in excess of two gallons per minute, per ton. Each unit shall be equipped with an approved automatic water regulating device, so adjusted as to limit the use of water under maximum summer conditions to not more than two gallons per minute, per ton.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 14.602; 1992 Code, § 41-96) (Ord. 1912, passed 4-29-1957)
   (a)   A person using any system consisting of a unit of over five-ton capacity, or group of units totaling over five-ton capacity, is prohibited from using water from the mains in excess of two-tenths gallons per minute, per ton, except as provided in division (b) below. The water level control on the bank or reservoir shall be so adjusted as to prevent waste of water through the overflow.
   (b)   Each unit over five tons, except when connected to a water conserving system, shall be assessed an annual demand charge of $20 per season for each ton of capacity in excess of five tons in addition to regular water charges. Each unit of any size equipped with water-conserving devices or units connected to a water-conserving system may take water from the mains at the regular metered rates. When a conversion is made from the non-water-conserving class to the water-conserving class during any season, prior to September 1, the demand charge for the entire season shall be eliminated.
   (c)   Demand charges are payable to the city finance director and bills shall be rendered September 1, each year, covering the current season. Demand charges shall be in lieu of increased rates for water.
(1957 Rev. Ords., § 14.602; 1992 Code, § 41-97) (Ord. 1912, passed 4-29-1957)