General Provisions
90.01 Definitions
90.02 Cruelty to animals in the second degree
90.03 Torture of dogs or cats
90.04 Dyeing or selling dyed chicks or rabbits
90.05 Abandoning domestic animals prohibited
90.06 Destruction of abandoned and suffering animal
90.07 Keeping live hoofed animals and large fowl
Dogs and Cats
90.20 Definitions
90.21 Running at large
90.22 Noise disturbance
90.23 Number of dogs permitted
90.24 Application of state law regarding vicious dogs
90.25 Concealment of mad or rabid animal
90.26 Impoundment
90.27 Animal Warden to enforce provisions
90.28 Reclaiming impounded animal
Dangerous Animals
90.40 Definitions
90.41 Responsibility of all animal owners
90.42 Complaint; hearing
90.43 Civil liability
90.99 Penalty