For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      (1)   Any animal which constitutes a physical threat to human beings or other domestic animals by virtue of a known or displayed propensity to endanger by pursuing, wounding, or attacking any other domestic animal or human being, whether or not such dangerous animal bears any license tag required by law;
      (2)   Any animal shall not be deemed dangerous if:
         (a)   It bites, attacks, or menaces anyone assaulting its owner, or any person or other animal who has tormented or abused it;
         (b)   It is otherwise acting in defense of an attack from a person or other animal upon the owner or other person; or
         (c)   It is protecting or defending its young or other domestic animal.
      (3)   Any animal trained, owned, or harbored for the purpose, primarily or in part, of animal fighting;
      (4)   Any animal which has been trained to attack persons independently or upon oral command, excepting animals owned by public law enforcement agencies; and
   DANGEROUS ANIMAL OFFICER. The Mayor or his or her duly appointed designee, who shall take complaints of an aggrieved party, on a form prescribed by the city.
(2005 Code, 90.30) (Ord. 93-0602, passed 7-6-1993; Ord. 19-0302, passed 4-4-2019)