General Provisions
   155.001   Title
   155.002   Purpose
   155.003   Scope
   155.004   Legal basis
   155.005   Rules of construction
   155.006   Definitions
   155.007   Effective date
Structure Regulations
   155.020   Area, height, and use conditions and exceptions
   155.021   Required lots, yards, and frontage
   155.022   Principal uses or main buildings on a lot
   155.023   Double frontage lots
   155.024   Minimum lot width for cul-de-sac lots
   155.025   Projections into yards
   155.026   Clear vision corners
   155.027   Control of heat, glare, fumes, dust, noise, vibration, and odors
   155.028   Temporary dwellings, uses, or structures
   155.029   Accessory uses
   155.030   Accessory buildings or structures
   155.031   Fences
   155.032   Swimming pools
   155.033   Home based businesses
   155.034   Home occupations
   155.035   Dish antenna
   155.036   Essential services
   155.037   Illegal dwellings
   155.038   Razing of building
   155.039   Moving of building
Nonconforming Buildings or Structures, Uses, and Lots
   155.050   General requirements
   155.051   Nonconforming buildings and structures
   155.052   Nonconforming uses
   155.053   Nonconforming lots of record
   155.054   Keeping of pets and raising and keeping fowl or animals
   155.055   Private easement/private road
   155.056   Storage and repair of vehicles
   155.057   Lighting
   155.058   Maintenance of landscaping and buffers
   155.059   Storage of recreational equipment
   155.060   Floor areas and grade level
   155.061   Medical marihuana
Zoning Districts
   155.075   District
   155.076   Zoning map
   155.077   Areas not included within a district
   155.078   AR Agricultural/Rural Residential District
   155.079   WD Waterfront District
   155.080   R-1 Single-family Residential District
   155.081   R-2 Residential District
   155.082   MHP Manufactured Home Park District
   155.083   C Commercial District
   155.084   IND Industrial District
Site Plan Review
   155.095   Purpose
   155.096   Site plans reviewed
   155.097   Application procedures
   155.098   Preliminary site plan review
   155.099   Final site plan review
   155.100   Site plan review standards
   155.101   Approved site plans
   155.115   Parking, general requirements
   155.116   Parking lot design standards
   155.117   Off-street parking requirements
   155.118   Off-street loading requirements
Special Land Uses
   155.130   Purpose
   155.131   Application and review procedures
   155.132   Basis of determination
   155.133   Approval term and expiration
   155.134   Revocation of special land use approval
   155.135   Existing special exceptions
   155.136   Resubmission
Specific Special Land Use Standards
   155.150   Special land uses
   155.151   Recreation grounds
   155.152   Removal of resources
   155.153   Public or private campgrounds
   155.154   Two-family dwellings
   155.155   Multiple-family dwellings
   155.156   Planned unit developments
   155.157   Funeral homes and mortuary establishments
   155.158   Group and commercial day care homes and facilities
   155.159   Hotels and motels
   155.160   Theaters and the like
   155.161   Restaurants with drive-through facilities
   155.162   Vehicle service stations
   155.163   Vehicle wash establishments
   155.164   Open air businesses
   155.165   Veterinary hospitals, animal clinics, and commercial kennels
   155.166   Utility and public service buildings
   155.167   Body shops
   155.168   Lumber and planing mills
   155.169   Metal plating, buffing, and polishing
   155.170   Commercial storage warehouses
   155.171   Stamping or punch press operations
   155.172   Junk yards
   155.173   Boat launches
   155.174   Marinas
   155.175   Sexually oriented businesses
   155.176   Bed and breakfast establishments
   155.177   Private schools, churches, and the like
   155.178   Intensive livestock operations
   155.179   Open space developments
   155.180   Vehicle sales
   155.181   Private hunting facilities
   155.182   Private docks accessory to non-residential uses
   155.183   Private dock on vacant residential parcel
   155.184   Rental halls
Conditional Rezoning
   155.195   Intent
   155.196   Application and offer of intent
   155.197   Planning Commission review
   155.198   Township Board review
   155.199   Approval
   155.200   Compliance with conditions
   155.201   Time period for establishing development or use
   155.202   Reversion of zoning
   155.203   Subsequent rezoning of land
   155.204   Amendments of conditions
   155.205   Township right to rezone
   155.206   Failure to offer conditions
Wind Generated Power
   155.220   Purpose
   155.221   Definitions
   155.222   On-site use wind energy systems
   155.223   Commercial grade wind energy systems
   155.224   Wind site assessment for utility grade wind energy systems
   155.225   Application
   155.226   Utility grade wind energy system requirements
   155.227   Property setback
   155.228   Sound pressure level
   155.229   Construction codes, towers, and interconnection standards
   155.230   Safety
   155.231   Visual impact
   155.232   Environment impact
   155.233   Avian and wildlife impact
   155.234   Electromagnetic interference
   155.235   Shadow flicker
   155.236   Decommissioning
   155.237   Complaint resolution
Solar Energy Systems
   155.240   Purpose
   155.241   Definitions
   155.242   Solar energy systems (SES)
Zoning Board of Appeals
   155.250   Creation and membership
   155.251   Jurisdiction
   155.252   Application and hearing procedure
   155.253   Standards of review
   155.254   Decisions of the Zoning Board of Appeals
   155.255   Resubmission
Administration and Enforcement
   155.270   Zoning Administrator
   155.271   Duties of the Zoning Administrator
   155.272   Zoning compliance and building permits
   155.273   Property surveys
   155.274   Certificate of occupancy
   155.275   Zoning ordinance amendments
   155.276   Schedule of fees
   155.277   Performance guarantees
   155.278   Recording of meetings
   155.279   Complaints about physical changes
   155.999   Penalty