The Planning Commission shall review the preliminary and final site plans and approve, approve with conditions, or deny the site plan based on the purposes, objectives, and requirements of this chapter, and specifically, the following considerations when applicable:
(A) The uses proposed will not harm the public health, safety, or welfare. All elements of the site plan shall be designed to take into account the site’s topography, the size and type of plot, the character of adjoining property and the type and size of buildings. The site shall be developed so as not to impede the normal and orderly development or improvement of surrounding property for uses permitted in this chapter;
(B) Safe, convenient, uncongested, and well-defined vehicular and pedestrian circulation within and to the site shall be provided. Drives, streets, and other elements shall be designed to promote safe and efficient traffic operations within the site and at its access points;
(C) The arrangement of public or common ways for vehicular and pedestrian circulation shall be connected to existing or planned streets in the area;
(D) The landscape shall be preserved in its natural state, insofar as practical, by removing only those areas of vegetation or making those alterations to the topography which are reasonably necessary to develop the site in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. The Planning Commission may require that landscaping, buffers, and/or greenbelts be preserved and/or provided to ensure that proposed uses will be adequately buffered from one another and from surrounding public and private property;
(E) Appropriate measures shall be taken to ensure that removal of surface waters will not adversely affect neighboring properties or nearby bodies of water. Provisions shall be made to accommodate stormwater, prevent erosion and the formation of dust. The use of detention/retention ponds may be required. Surface water on all paved areas shall be collected at intervals so that it will not obstruct the flow of vehicular or pedestrian traffic or create standing water;
(F) All buildings or groups of buildings shall be arranged so as to permit necessary emergency vehicle access as required by the Fire Department and Sheriff’s Department;
(G) All off-street parking, loading and unloading areas, and outside storage areas, including refuse storage stations, shall be screened from the view of the street and/or adjacent properties;
(H) Exterior lighting shall be arranged so that it is deflected away from adjacent properties and so that it does not impede the vision of traffic along adjacent streets. Flashing or intermittent lights shall not be permitted; and
(I) The general purposes and spirit of this chapter and the Master Plan of the township.
(Ord. passed 7-30-2015)
(A) Upon approval of the preliminary or final site plan, the Chairperson or Secretary of the Planning Commission shall sign and date three copies thereof. One signed copy shall be made a part of the Commission’s files; one shall be forwarded to the Building Inspector for issuance of a building permit; and one copy shall be returned to the applicant.
(B) Time limits on site plans.
(1) Each development shall be substantially under construction within one year after the date of approval of the final site plan by the Planning Commission.
(2) The Planning Commission may grant one six-month extension, provided the applicant applies in writing for the extension prior to the date of the expiration of the final site plan.
(3) The extension shall be approved if the applicant presents reasonable evidence to the effect that the development has encountered unforeseen difficulties beyond the control of the applicant, but is then ready to proceed.
(4) Should neither of the aforementioned provisions be fulfilled or a six-month extension has expired without construction underway, the final site plan approval shall be null and void.
(C) Amendments to an approved site plan may occur only under the following circumstances.
(1) The holder of a valid site plan shall notify the Zoning Administrator of any proposed amendment to such approved site plan.
(2) Minor changes may be approved by the Zoning Administrator upon certification in writing to the Planning Commission that the proposed revision does not alter the basic design nor any specified conditions of the plan as agreed upon by the Planning Commission. In considering this determination, the Zoning Administrator shall permit the following to be a minor change:
(a) Reduction of the size of any building and/or sign;
(b) Movement of buildings and/or signs by no more than ten feet;
(c) Plantings approved in the site plan landscape plan may be replaced by similar types of landscaping on a one-to-one or greater basis;
(d) Changes of building materials to a higher quality, as determined by the Zoning Administrator;
(e) Changes in floor plans which do not alter the character of the use;
(f) Internal rearrangement of a parking lot which does not affect the number of parking spaces or alter access locations or design; and/or
(g) Changes required or requested by the township for safety reasons shall be considered a minor change.
(3) Should the Zoning Administrator determine that the requested modification to the approved site plan is not minor, resubmission to the Planning Commission for an amendment shall be required and conducted in the same manner as an original application.
(Ord. passed 7-30-2015)
(A) Unless otherwise provided for in this chapter, off-street parking shall not be located within the required front yard.
(B) Off-street parking for all non-residential districts and uses shall be either on the same lot or within 300 feet of the building or use it is intended to serve, measured from the nearest public entrance of the building to the nearest point of the off-street parking lot.
(C) The storage of merchandise or products, motor vehicles displayed for sale, or the repair of vehicles is prohibited in any off-street parking lot.
(D) Residential off-street parking spaces shall consist of parking strip, parking bay, driveway, garage, or combination thereof and shall be located on the premises they are intended to serve. Parking spaces shall be constructed with an asphalt or portland cement binder, graveled, or compacted earth so as to provide a durable and dustless surface, and shall occupy no greater than 33% of the required front yard.
(E) Minimum required off-street parking spaces shall not be replaced by any other use unless and until equal facilities are provided elsewhere, in compliance with this chapter.
(F) Off-street parking existing at the effective date of this chapter, or amendment thereto, in connection with the operation of an existing building or use, shall not be reduced to an amount less than required for a similar new building or new use.
(G) Two or more buildings or uses may collectively provide the required off-street parking.
(H) The Planning Commission may defer construction of the required number of parking spaces if the following conditions are met.
(1) Areas proposed for deferred parking shall be shown on the site plan and shall be sufficient for construction of the required number of parking spaces, in accordance with the standards of this chapter for parking area design and other site development requirements.
(2) Alterations to the deferred parking area may be initiated by the owner or required by the Zoning Administrator, and shall require the approval by the Zoning Administrator of an amended site plan submitted by the applicant, accompanied by evidence documenting the justification for the alteration.
(I) Overnight parking of semi-truck tractors and trailers and commercial vehicles exceeding one and one-half tons shall be prohibited in any residential district.
(Ord. passed 7-30-2015) Penalty, see § 155.999
(A) Minimum dimensions of parking spaces and maneuvering aisles shall be in accordance with the following requirements.
Parking Pattern | Two-Way Aisle Width | One-Way Aisle Width | Parking Space Width | Parking Space Length |
Parallel parking | 18 feet | 12 feet | 9 feet | 25 feet |
30-75 degree angle | 24 feet | 12 feet | 9 feet | 21 feet |
76-90 degree angle | 26 feet | 15 feet | 9 feet | 18 feet |
(B) Minor adjustments of the dimensions prescribed in this section may be authorized by the Zoning Administrator if consistent with generally recognized design standards for off-street parking facilities.
(C) All parking lots shall be paved or provided with permeable, durable, and dustless surface and shall be graded and drained so as to dispose of all surface water.
(D) All parking lots shall be constructed so as to permit proper drainage and prevent puddling or storage of water within the lot. Drainage shall be in accordance with the requirements of the township and the County Drain Commissioner.
(E) All parking lots shall be provided with adequate lighting. Parking lot lighting shall be shielded so as to prevent light from spilling onto adjacent residential districts or uses.
(Ord. passed 7-30-2015)
(A) Required off-street parking spaces are noted in the table below for the uses listed. For those uses not specifically mentioned, the requirements for off-street parking shall be in accord with a use which the Planning Commission or Zoning Administrator considers similar in type.
(B) When units of measurement determining the number of required off-street parking spaces result in the requirement of a fractional space, that fraction shall require one parking space.
(C) The minimum number of off-street parking spaces shall be determined in accordance with the following table.
Use | Parking Space per Unit of Measurement |
Use | Parking Space per Unit of Measurement |
Residential | |
Single-family dwellings | 2 for each dwelling unit |
Residential | |
Two-family dwellings | 2 for each dwelling unit |
Multiple-family dwellings | 2 for each dwelling unit plus 1 additional space for each 2 units |
Housing for the elderly | 1 space for each 2 dwelling units, plus 1 for each employee, plus 1 space for each 5 dwelling units to be marked as visitor spaces |
Institutional | |
Group day care homes and group state licensed care homes | 1 space for each 4 clients, plus 1 space for each employee |
Churches, theaters, assembly areas, auditoriums, gymnasiums | 1 space for each 4 seats or each 8 feet of pew length or 1 space for and each 3 persons allowed within the maximum occupancy load established by any applicable codes or ordinances, whichever is greater |
Private schools, elementary and middle | 2 spaces for each 3 employees, plus amount required for auditorium or gymnasium seating |
Private schools, secondary and institutions of higher learning | 1 space for each 8 students, plus 1.5 spaces for each classroom, plus amount required for auditorium or gymnasium seating |
Commercial | |
Vehicle wash (self service) | 1 space for each 5 stalls |
Vehicle wash (automatic) | 1 space per each employee |
Beauty/barber shop | 3 spaces for each chair |
Bowling alleys | 4 spaces for each bowling lane plus required spaces for each accessory use |
Assembly halls without fixed seats | 1 space for each 3 persons allowed within the maximum occupancy load established by any applicable codes or ordinances |
Restaurants without drive-through facilities | 1 space for each 100 square feet of UFA or 1 space for each 2 persons allowed within the maximum occupancy load established by any applicable codes or ordinances, whichever is greater |
Restaurants with drive-through facilities | 1 space for each 100 square feet of UFA or 1 space for each VA persons allowed within the maximum occupancy load established by any applicable codes or ordinances, whichever is greater |
Commercial | |
Vehicle service stations | 1 space for each service stall, plus 1 space for each pump island, plus 1 space for each maximum number of employees on the premises at any one time |
Personal service establishments | 1 space for each 50 square feet of UFA |
Retail furniture, appliance and household goods | 1 space for each 1,000 square feet of UFA |
Funeral homes and mortuary establishments | 1 space for each 50 square feet of UFA |
Open air businesses | 1 space for each 200 square feet of indoor UFA plus 1 space for each 1,000 square feet of outdoor display area |
Retail stores not otherwise specified | 1 space for each 200 square feet of UFA |
Boat launch sites | 50% of the total area devoted to the launch site shall be devoted to parking, in accordance with the requirements of section 13.02 |
Marinas | 114 spaces per boat slip or rack storage bin, plus required spaces for any accessory uses |
Hotels and motels | 1 space for each guest room, plus required spaces for any accessory uses |
Video rental stores | 1 space for each 100 square feet of UFA plus 1 space for the maximum number of employees on the premises at any one time |
Offices | |
Banks, credit unions, savings and loan associations, and other similar uses | 1 space for each 150 square feet of UFA plus 3 spaces for each non-drive through automatic teller machine |
Offices not otherwise specified | 1 space for each 300 square feet of UFA |
Medical and dental offices and clinics | 1 space for each 75 square feet of waiting room area, plus 1 space for each examining room, dental chair, or similar use area |
Industrial | |
Manufacturing, processing, and research establishments | 1 space for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, plus those spaces required for offices located on the premises |
Industrial | |
Warehouses and wholesale establishments | 1 space for each 2,000 square feet of gross floor area, plus those spaces required for offices located on the premises |
(Ord. passed 7-30-2015)
Cross reference:
Usable floor area, see § 155.006