Uses of land and/or development projects granted special exception status by the township prior to the adoption of this chapter may continue this status provided the rules, regulations, requirements, and conditions of the special exception are met.
(Ord. passed 7-30-2015)
(A) No special land use request, or substantially similar request, which has been decided by the Planning Commission shall be submitted for reconsideration within a one-year period from the date of the original application.
(B) After the one-year period, the application will only be considered if the applicant first demonstrated the following:
(1) The conditions involving all of the reasons for the original denial have been significantly altered; or
(2) New conditions or circumstances exist which change the nature of the original request.
(Ord. passed 7-30-2015)
(A) The following special land uses shall be subject to the requirements of the district in which it is located, in addition to all the applicable conditions, standards, and regulations as are cited in this section.
(B) The following uses have such conditions, standards, or regulations:
(1) Country clubs, golf courses, riding stables, gun clubs, and publicly owned athletic grounds and parks including related uses, such as snack bars, small retail shops selling goods directly related to the primary use, and other similar uses integral to the main use;
(2) Removal and processing of topsoil, stone, rock, sand, gravel, lime, or other soil or mineral resource;
(3) Public or private campgrounds;
(4) Two-family dwellings;
(5) Multiple-family dwellings;
(6) Planned unit developments;
(7) Funeral homes and mortuary establishments;
(8) Group and commercial day care homes and facilities;
(9) Hotels and motels;
(10) Theaters, or similar places of public assembly, as determined by the Zoning Administrator;
(11) Restaurants with drive-through facilities;
(12) Vehicle service stations, with or without mechanical repair;
(13) Vehicle wash establishments, either self-serve or automatic;
(14) Open air businesses and food truck park;
(15) Veterinary hospitals, animal clinics, and commercial kennels;
(16) Utility and public service buildings without storage yards, but not including essential public services such as poles, wires, and underground utility systems;
(17) Body shops;
(18) Lumber and plane mills;
(19) Metal plating, buffing, and polishing;
(20) Commercial storage warehouses;
(21) The manufacture, compounding, processing, packaging, or treatment of products requiring stamping or punch press operations;
(22) Junk yard, salvage yards and impound yards;
(23) Public or private boat launches;
(24) Marinas;
(25) Sexually oriented businesses;
(26) Bed and breakfast establishments;
(27) Private schools, churches, libraries, parks, playgrounds, and community center buildings;
(28) Intensive livestock operations;
(29) Open space developments;
(30) Vehicle sales;
(31) Private hunting facilities;
(32) Private docks accessory to non-residential uses;
(33) Private dock on vacant residential parcel; and
(34) Rental halls.
(Ord. passed 7-30-2015; amended 6- -2005; amended 3- -2013; Ord. 17-06, passed 9-13-2017; Ord. 19-20, passed 8-6-2019)
Country clubs, golf courses, riding stables, and publicly owned athletic grounds and parks including related uses, such as snack bars, small retail shops selling goods directly related to the primary use, and other similar uses integral to the main use.
(A) The use shall be located on property with direct access to a public street.
(B) Any outdoor activity areas shall be set back a minimum of 50 feet from any residential district or use property line.
(C) Lighting for parking areas or outdoor activity areas shall be shielded to prevent light from spilling onto any residential district or use property line.
(D) Access driveways shall be located no less than 50 feet from the centerline of the intersection of any street or any other driveway.
(Ord. passed 7-30-2015)
The Planning Commission shall not approve such use until the following information is provided and the Commission finds that the proposed use will not adversely impact surrounding properties and the township in general, in accordance with the following:
(A) The size of the property from which such topsoil, sand, gravel, or other such materials are to be removed;
(B) The amount of topsoil, sand, gravel, or other materials which is to be removed;
(C) The purpose of such removal;
(D) The effect of such removal on adjoining property; all removal activities shall be set back a minimum of 100 feet from any adjoining residential district;
(E) The effect of such removal in causing a safety hazard, creating erosion problems, or altering the ground water table;
(F) The potential for such removal to cause the creation of sand blows, stagnant water pools, or swampy areas;
(G) The effect of such removal on the environment and the natural topography, and the potential destruction of any natural resources;
(H) Potential traffic congestion and problems because of trucks or other vehicles or means utilized to haul and transport the material removed;
(I) Any change of the natural contour of the land, both during mining operations and at the time of abandonment, shall be maintained in a safe condition; all contours and elevations shall be restored when the operation is abandoned or ceases;
(J) No business or industrial building or structure of a permanent nature shall be erected, except where such building is a permitted use within the district in which the extraction activity is located;
(K) No storage or truck parking shall be located within 200 feet of any adjacent residence or within 50 feet of any other adjacent property;
(L) All of the operations shall be screened with an evergreen screen planting on any side adjacent to a residential district or use of occupied property;
(M) As the natural resources are being removed, the property shall be restored by the placement of topsoil where feasible; and all excavations shall be sloped to a gradient with not more than 30 degree slope and the contour be caused to blend as nearly as possible with the natural surroundings;
(N) All truck operations shall be directed away from residential streets and utilized county primary roads whenever possible;
(O) The Planning Commission may require such performance guarantee or bond, as deemed necessary to ensure that requirements are fulfilled, in accordance with the provisions of section 19.09, and may revoke permission to operate at any time specific conditions are not maintained;
(P) Topsoil or sand may be removed from a lot for the purpose of erecting or constructing a building or structure on the lot, provided a permit is first obtained from the Zoning Administrator. If any removal from a parcel shall exceed 500 cubic yards of material, then the applicant shall comply with the provisions of this section. In addition, topsoil or sand may be moved from one part of a lot to another part if such action will not cause, or be likely to cause, sand blows, stagnant water pools, bogs, or possible future injury to adjoining properties;
(Q) The applicant shall secure all necessary permits from the township, county, and state authorities; and
(R) Any change in the operation or activity conducted on the premises shall require reapplication for a special use permit.
(Ord. passed 7-30-2015)
(A) Access driveways shall be located no less than 50 feet from the centerline of the intersection of any street or any other driveway.
(B) The applicant shall secure all necessary permits from township, county, and state authorities.
(C) Minimum lot area shall be five acres.
(D) Retail commercial uses may be permitted within the campground, provided that the following requirements are met:
(1) All commercial uses allowed shall occupy no more than 5% of the lot for building and parking areas; and
(2) No merchandise for display, sale, or lease shall be located in any manner outside the main building.
(Ord. passed 7-30-2015)