(A) The locations and boundaries of the zoning districts are hereby established as shown on a map, as the same may be amended from time to time, entitled the Silver Creek Township Zoning Map, which accompanies the Township Zoning Ordinance and is hereby adopted by reference and made a part of this section as if set out at length herein.
(B) Where uncertainty exists as to the boundaries of zoning districts as shown on the zoning map, the following rules of construction and interpretation shall apply.
(1) Boundaries indicated as approximately following the centerline of streets, highways, or alleys shall be construed to follow those centerlines.
(2) Boundaries indicated as approximately following platted lot lines shall be construed as following the lot lines.
(3) Boundaries indicated as approximately following township boundaries shall be construed as following township boundaries.
(4) Boundaries indicated as approximately following shorelines or lake or stream beds shall be construed as following the shorelines or lake or stream beds, and in the event of change in the location of shorelines or lake or stream beds, shall be construed as moving with the shoreline and lake or stream bed.
(5) Lines parallel to streets without indication of the depth from the street line shall be construed as having a depth of 200 feet from the front lot line.
(6) Boundaries indicated as approximately following property lines, section lines, or other lines of a government survey shall be construed as following such property lines, section lines, or other lines of a government survey as they exist as of the effective date of this chapter or applicable amendment thereto.
(C) When there is any question as to the location of any boundary line between zoning districts which cannot be resolved by the rules stated above, upon a request for an interpretation of the zoning maps, the Zoning Board of Appeals shall establish the boundary based upon said maps and all available information relating thereto and shall establish the boundaries to carry out the intent and purposes of this chapter and the Master Plan.
(D) Whenever all or part of a street, alley, or other public way is vacated, it shall automatically become a part of the district to which it attaches. If a vacated area is bordered by two different districts, the area is divided along a line half way between them according to the adjacent district, unless the Township Board shall otherwise designate.
(Ord. passed 7-30-2015)