For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
A. Alteration or Enlargement. A metal building is altered or enlarged if it is remodeled or added to or repaired and the cost of such work exceeds fifty percent of the value of the building before such work, as determined by the design review board.
B. "Metal building" means any building having an exposed sheet metal covering on the weather side of any portion of the roof or the outside surface of any exterior wall.
C. "Sheet metal" includes, but is not limited to, all types of preformed metal sheets such as corrugated iron, steel, and aluminum.
(Ord. 74-3-721 § 1 (part): prior code §§ 14.32.010, 14.32.060)
No person shall construct, alter or enlarge any metal building and no permit shall be issued for such construction until the site plan and design has been submitted to, reviewed by and approved in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 20.52, Site Plan and Design Review.
(Ord. 90-01-1052 § 7 (part): Ord. 74-3-721 § 1 (part): prior code § 14.32.020)
The design review board may approve, deny, or conditionally approve the design of any metal buildings proposed to be constructed or proposed to be altered or enlarged. It shall not approve the design of any metal building or any alterations therein or additions thereto which do not conform to the requirements of this chapter or which, because of their relationship to topography or the exterior design and appearance of buildings or other structures in the immediate neighborhood, would:
A. Adversely affect the desirability of immediate and neighboring areas and impair the benefits or occupancy of existing property in those areas; or
B. Cause degeneration of property in such areas with attendant deterioration of conditions affecting the public health, safety, comfort, morals and welfare thereof; or
C. Deprive the city of tax revenue which it otherwise could receive; or
D. Destroy a proper balance in relationship between the taxable value of real property and the cost of municipal services provided therefor in the area; or
E. Fail to improve community appearance by preventing extremes or similarity or monotony in new construction; or
F. Impair the stability and would not preserve and protect property values from substantial depreciation.
(Ord. 74-3-721 § 1 (part): prior code § 14.32.030)
All metal buildings constructed, altered, or enlarged must be designed in accordance with the following requirements:
A. Sheet metal shall not be used as the outside covering of an exterior wall unless it consists of anodized panels or prefinished panels with a factory baked-on finish.
B. The building front shall incorporate and present either a finished parapet or overhang to the street.
C. All roof edges shall be finished with a facia and/or combination facia and gutter.
D. The design must provide for finished soffits.
E. Not less than fifty percent of all portions of a metal building facing a public street shall include the use of collateral materials such as, but not limited to, brick, stone, wood, etc.
F. All window sash shall be of aluminum.
G. Color-matched fasteners shall be provided.
(Ord. 74-3-721 § 1 (part): prior code § 14.32.040)