A. When a taxicab is engaged the person engaging such taxicab shall have the exclusive right to the full and complete use of the passenger compartment, and it is unlawful for the carrier or driver of the taxicab to solicit or carry additional passengers therein; provided, however, that where the city council finds that public necessity requires the grouping of passengers in such taxicabs, the city council may issue a special written permit which shall specifically set forth the rules and regulations under which such passenger grouping is permitted.
B. It is unlawful for any driver or carrier to operate or permit to be operated any taxicab in violation of any of the rules and regulations set forth in such special permits.
(Prior code § 5.28.490(B) (Ord. 309 § 26(b), 1948))
The number of passengers which may be carried in any vehicle covered by this chapter shall be limited to the seating capacity of such vehicle as specified by the manufacturer. No person shall be carried in such vehicle who is required to share in any way the seating space occupied by another, nor shall any person be carried who is required to occupy any space in or on such vehicle which does not provide a seat.
(Prior code § 5.28.490 (C) (Ord. 309 § 26(c), 1948))
A. All vehicles operated by any carrier as defined in Section 5.32.010 shall, before being placed in service, be approved by the chief of police.
B. All such vehicles shall be of a design and type of construction as shall comply with orders and regulations pertaining to such equipment adopted from time to time by the city council.
C. Such vehicles shall at all times be kept in a clean and sanitary condition and in good state of repair, and shall be subject to constant inspection by the chief of police or a duly authorized representative.
D. Any vehicle which becomes unsafe or unserviceable, either from the standpoint of its state of repair or its condition or obsolescence, may be retired from service upon order of the chief of police and no vehicle which has been so retired shall again be operated in such service except with approval of the chief of police.
E. In the event the condition of any vehicle shall in the opinion of the chief of police be so unclean, unsightly, or mechanically defective as to be undesirable for use, the police chief may require such vehicle to be immediately withdrawn from service and it shall not be again placed in service until approved by the chief of police.
(Prior code § 5.28.500 (Ord. 309 § 27, 1948))
A. It is unlawful for any carrier to operate any taxicab in the city unless such taxicab is equipped with a taximeter of a type and design which has been approved by the city council.
B. The taximeter shall be of a type which will print and issue a receipt, and it shall be the duty of the carrier operating such taxicab, and the driver thereof, to keep such meter operating at all times within such standard of accuracy as may be prescribed from time to time by the city council.
C. No passenger shall be carried in any cab unless the taximeter is in operation. This provision shall apply regardless of whether the taxicab is engaged for a trip entirely within the boundaries of the city or partially outside thereof, and such meter shall be kept operating continuously during the entire time it is engaged in the transportation of passengers for compensation regardless of the point of destination.
(Prior code § 5.28.510 (Ord. 309 § 28(a), 1948))