5.32.010 Definitions.
5.32.020 Permits--Required--Exceptions.
5.32.030 Carrier permit--Petition contents.
5.32.040 Carrier permit--Petition investigation--Terms of issuance.
5.32.050 Carrier permit--Hearing to determine need.
5.32.060 Carrier permit--Compliance with terms required.
5.32.070 Carrier permit--Suspension or revocation.
5.32.080 Permits--Entitlement to obtain licenses.
5.32.090 License plate or sticker required.
5.32.100 Vehicle numbering required.
5.32.110 Advertisements on or in vehicles.
5.32.120 Availability of service.
5.32.130 Permitted and prohibited methods of engagement.
5.32.140 Rates--Establishment authority.
5.32.150 Rates--Council review and approval required--Criteria.
5.32.160 Rates--Alterations.
5.32.170 Rates--Compliance with provisions required.
5.32.180 Rates--Display in vehicles required.
5.32.190 Refusal to pay fare prohibited.
5.32.200 Restrictions on employment of drivers.
5.32.210 Driver's permit--Required.
5.32.220 Driver's permit--Fee deposit--Application.
5.32.230 Driver's permit--Issuance of temporary permit.
5.32.240 Driver's permit--Applicant investigation.
5.32.250 Driver's permit--Issuance--Restrictions.
5.32.260 Driver's permit--Issuance--Terms.
5.32.270 Driver's permit--Issuance deemed evidence of compliance with chapter.
5.32.280 Driver's permit--Badge issuance.
5.32.290 Driver's permit and badge--Expiration and suspension.
5.32.300 Driver's permit--Renewal.
5.32.310 Driver's permit--Revocation--Grounds--Method.
5.32.320 Driver's permit--Appeals from actions of chief of police.
5.32.330 Driver's permit--Suspension or revocation by council.
5.32.340 Driver's permit and badge--Display and possession.
5.32.350 Carrier's responsibility regarding driver's permits.
5.32.360 Vehicle identification--Restrictions.
5.32.370 Identity lights.
5.32.380 Direct travel route required.
5.32.390 Grouping of passengers.
5.32.400 Number of passengers restricted.
5.32.410 Inspection of equipment--Unsafe vehicles.
5.32.420 Taximeters--Required--Operation.
5.32.430 Taximeters--Location and readability.
5.32.440 Taximeters--Inspections--Labeling.
5.32.450 Taximeters--Use of flag.
5.32.460 Taximeters--Computation of charges.
5.32.470 Waiting time--Defined--Allowances.
5.32.480 Receipts for fares.
5.32.490 Trip sheets and drivers' reports.
5.32.500 Taxistands--Required.
5.32.510 Taxistands--Permits.
5.32.520 Taxistands--Use restricted to assignee.
5.32.530 Notices.
5.32.540 Rates--Enforcement.
5.32.550 Penalty for violations.
For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms shall be deemed and construed to have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section unless, from the particular context it clearly appears that some other meaning is intended:
A. "Bus fare" means a fixed route bus transportation service for residents of the city, age sixty-two or older, funded by Proposition "A" funds, administered by the city, and performed by a transportation company.
B. "Carrier" means and includes every person, corporation, partnership, joint venture, or other form of business organization, their lessees, receivers, or trustees engaged in operating or causing to be operated taxicabs, as defined in subsection N of this section.
C. "Charter vehicle" means and includes every vehicle other than taxicabs, chauffeured limousines and sightseeing vehicles used for the transportation of passengers for compensation over the streets of the city, not over defined routes, to a destination or over a route or routes designated by the hirer thereof when the point of origin is within this city.
D. "Chauffeured limousine" means and includes every vehicle the seating capacity of which has been specified by the manufacturer thereof to be seven persons or less, not equipped with a taximeter, and used for the transportation of passengers for compensation over defined or undefined routes, when the point of origin is within this city.
E. "Compensation" means and includes any money, thing of value, payment, consideration, reward, tip, donation, gratuity, or profit paid to or accepted or received by the driver of any vehicle in exchange for transportation of a person, whether paid upon solicitation, demand or contract, or voluntarily, or intended as a gratuity or donation.
F. "Dial-a-lift" means a demand-responsive transportation service for disabled residents of the city, age eighteen or older, funded by Proposition "A" funds, administered by the city, and performed by a transportation company under contract or franchise with the city.
G. "Dial-a-taxi" means a demand-responsive transportation service for residents of the city, age sixty-two or older, funded by Proposition "A" funds, administered by the city, and performed by a transportation company under contract or franchise with the city.
H. "Driver" means and includes every person driving, operating, or in charge of any vehicle as defined by this chapter.
I. "Driver's permit" means and includes the permit issued by the chief of police to any person operating or driving any vehicle as defined by this chapter.
J. "Driver's permit, temporary" means and includes a permit issued by the chief of police to any person to temporarily operate or drive any vehicle as defined by this chapter.
K. "Motor vehicle" or "vehicle" means every motor-propelled vehicle used for the transportation of persons over the public streets.
L. "Private ambulance" means and includes a vehicle designed and used for the purpose of transporting sick, disabled or injured persons for compensation over the streets of the city, other than vehicles operated by the city or any public agency.
M. "Sightseeing vehicle" means and includes every vehicle other than taxicabs, chauffeured limousines and charter vehicles used for the transportation of passengers for compensation over the streets of the city whether or not over defined routes for sightseeing purposes or showing points of interest when the route is designated by the carrier and when the point of origin is within this city.
N. "Taxicab" means and includes every vehicle used for the transportation of passengers over the streets of the city, but not over defined routes, for compensation.
O. "Taximeter" means and includes a mechanical instrument or device by which the charge for hire of a taxicab is mechanically calculated, whether for distance traveled or for waiting time, or both, and upon which such charge is plainly registered by means of figures indicating dollars and cents.
P. "Taxistand" means a place on a public street designated by the city council for the use, while awaiting employment, of any vehicle covered by this chapter.
(Ord. 96-10-1213 § 1; Ord. 84-06-924 § 1: prior code §§ 5.28.010, 5.28.020--5.28.110 (Ord. 309 § 1, 1948))
No person shall drive, operate, or cause to be operated, nor shall any person employ, permit, or allow another to drive, operate, or cause to be operated, any vehicle over any street of this city for the purpose of transporting a passenger for compensation, regardless of whether such operation extends beyond the boundary limits of the city; nor shall any person solicit, induce, persuade, invite, or procure such transportation of passengers for compensation or accept compensation therefor without a permit first having been obtained from the city council authorizing such operations and acts except as follows:
A. A vehicle which is lawfully transporting a passenger from a point outside to a destination within this city, or which is enroute to a destination outside this city; provided, that no such vehicle shall, without such permit, solicit or accept a passenger from within this city for transportation to any destination whatsoever;
B. A vehicle being operated pursuant to a franchise, contract, or permit issued by the city, and vehicles operated by city or state public agencies, including dial-a-taxi, dial-a-lift, and fixed-route buses, provided that the city council may, by resolution, establish fares for such services and shall establish appropriate regulations and standards within the franchise, contract, or permit;
C. A vehicle being operated for the purpose of transporting bona fide pupils attending an institution of learning between their homes and such institutions;
D. A vehicle being operated under what is commonly referred to as a "share the ride" plan or arrangement, where a person enroute from his place of residence to his place of business, or vice versa, transports another person living and working in the same general vicinity upon payment of a sum estimated to cover the actual or approximate cost of operation of the vehicle;
E. Vehicles being used as ambulances and being operated by any public agency;
F. Vehicles rented or leased for self-operation by a person using such vehicle under a plan commonly known as a U-drive, but not when transporting other persons for compensation.
(Ord. 96-10-1213 § 2; Ord. 84-06-924 § 2: prior code § 5.28.140 (Ord. 309 § 2, 1948))
A. Any person desiring a permit to operate vehicles covered by this chapter shall file a petition therefor with the city council. Such petition shall be verified by oath of the applicant, if a natural person, or by oath of an officer or partner of the applicant if the applicant is a corporation, partnership, association or unincorporated company.
B. The petition shall set forth the following:
1. The name, age, and address of the petitioner, if a natural person; or, if a corporation, its name, date and place of incorporation, address of its principal place of business and the names of all its officers together with their respective addresses; or, if a partnership, association, or unincorporated company, then the names of the partners comprising the partnership, association, or company, together with their respective ages and addresses;
2. The trade name or style, if any, under which the applicant proposes to operate;
3. Full information pertaining to the extent, character, and quality of the proposed operations and the manner in which such proposed operations are to be conducted;
4. The type, model, capacity, and condition of the vehicles proposed to be operated;
5. A full statement of petitioner's assets and liabilities; and
6. Such other or additional information as the city council may require.
(Prior code § 5.28.150 (part) (Ord. 309 § 3 (part), 1948))
A. The city council, upon receipt of such petition, may make full and complete inquiry into the facts set forth therein and shall either grant or deny a permit upon the proposed terms, or upon terms other than those proposed.
B. Such permit shall be for a specified number of vehicles which shall only be increased by authority of the city council pursuant to the procedure provided in Section 5.32.050.
C. Such permit may, at the pleasure of the city council, be for a prescribed period or for an indefinite period; provided, that in either event the permit shall contain a clause authorizing its revocation or suspension in accordance with the ordinances of the city either in effect at the date of granting the permit or thereafter adopted.
D. When issued, the permit shall constitute evidence of compliance with the terms of this chapter and shall authorize the permittee to operate vehicles under the conditions therein specified; subject, however, to the requirements, obligations, and limitations imposed by other applicable laws, ordinances, and orders of the city council.
E. The permit shall become effective only upon payment of the fees required by the provisions of the license ordinances of the city.
(Prior code § 5.28.150 (part) (Ord. 309 § 3 (part), 1948))
A. No permit shall be granted to any carrier for the operation of taxicabs except after a hearing thereon by the city council and a finding that the public necessity and convenience require such service and such permit may be granted for the number of taxicabs that the city council finds is required.
B. The city council in determining the matter shall take into consideration the need for such transportation, the convenience of the public, adequacy of the service then being provided, the financial responsibility of the applicant and any and all facts and conditions deemed relevant by the city council. The burden of establishing the existence of public convenience and necessity shall always be borne by the applicant for a permit, and no such permit shall be issued unless there has been an affirmative showing of the existence of such public convenience and necessity by such applicant.
(Prior code § 5.28.160 (Ord. 309 § 4, 1948))
It is unlawful for any carrier granted a permit under this chapter to conduct any operation or give any service other than the service authorized by its permit granted by the city council in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
(Prior code § 5.28.170 (Ord. 309 § 5, 1948))
A. The city council shall have the power to suspend or revoke any or all of the carrier permits granted under the provisions of this chapter when it shall have determined that any of the provisions of this chapter have been violated, or that any holder of such a permit shall have failed to comply with the terms of such permit or the rules and regulations of the city council pertaining to the operation, and to the extent, character, and quality of the service of any such vehicles.
B. Before revocation of such permit, the carrier shall be entitled to a hearing thereon before the city council and shall be notified thereof. Notice of hearing on such suspension or revocation shall be in writing, and shall be served at least ten days prior to the date of the hearing thereon, such service to be upon the holder of such permit, or its manager or agent, and which notice shall state the grounds of complaint against the holder of such permit and shall also state the time when and the place where such hearing will be held.
C. In the event the holder of such permit cannot be found, or service of such notice cannot be made upon it, or him, in the manner provided in subsection B of this section, then a copy of such notice shall be mailed, postage fully prepaid, address to such carrier at its last known address, at least ten days prior to the date of such hearing.
(Prior code § 5.28.180 (Ord. 309 § 6, 1948))